Sunday, November 29, 2020

CMS-A-SEC-A-3-2-TH: Internet of Things (IoT) Skill Enhancement Course: SEC-A: Choice -2, Theory, Credit:02, Contact hours: 40.

 Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT)

Defining IoT, Characteristics of IoT, Physical design of IoT, Functional blocks of IoT,

Communication models & APIs.

04 hours

IoT and M2M

Difference between IoT and M2M, Software defined Network, network function

virtualization (NFV), difference between SDN and NFV.

04 hours

Network & Communication aspects

Wireless medium access issues, MAC protocol survey, Survey routing protocols,

Sensor deployment & Node discovery, Edge connectivity and protocols, Fog/Gateway

Devices for Data aggregation and dissemination, Security challenges.

08 hours

IoT Physical Servers and Cloud Offerings

Introduction to Cloud Storage models and communication APIs Web Server – Web Server

for IoT, Cloud for IoT, Python web application framework.

05 hours

Developing IoTs

Introduction to Python, Introduction to different IoT tools, Developing applications

through IoT tools, Developing sensor based application through embedded system platform,

Implementing IoT concepts with python.

08 hours

IoT Physical Devices and Endpoints Introduction to Raspberry PI-Interfaces (serial, SPI,

I2C) Programming – Python program with Raspberry PI with focus of interfacing external


04 hours

IoT Analytics

Signal processing, real-time and local analytics, Databases, cloud analytics and applications.

04 hours

Domain specific applications of IoT

Home automation, Industry applications, Surveillance applications.

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