Sunday, November 29, 2020

CMS-A-CC-4-8-TH: Data Communication, Networking and Internet Technology. Core Course- 8: Theory, Credit: 04, Contact hours: 60.

 Overview of Data Communication and Networking


Data communications Components, data representation, direction of data flow (simplex, half

duplex, full duplex).

Network Hardware: Physical structure (type of connection, topology), categories of

network (LAN, MAN, WAN).

Internet: Brief history, Protocols and standards, Reference models: OSI reference model,

properties of all the layers, TCP/IP reference model, their comparative study.


Physical Layer

Data & Signals: Analog & Digital Data and Signals, periodic and non-periodic signals,

composite signals, bandwidth, bit rate, transmission of digital signals.

Transmission Impairments: Attenuation, Distortion and Noise.

Data Rate Limits: Noiseless Channel: Nyquist Data rate, Noisy Channel: Shannon’s

Capacity, calculation of data rate using both limits.

Digital Transmission

Digital to Digital Conversion: Line coding, schemes (RZ, NRZ, Manchester, Differential

Manchester), block coding.

Analog to Digital Conversion: Sampling, Nyquist rate of sampling, Pulse code modulation

(PCM), Delta Modulation (DM), Adaptive Delta Modulation (ADM), parallel and serial


Analog Transmission

Digital to Analog: Amplitude shift keying (ASK), Frequency Shift Keying (FSK), Phase

Shift Keying (PSK), Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM).

Analog to Analog Conversion:

Amplitude Modulation (AM), Frequency Modulation (FM), Phase Modulation.


Bandwidth Utilization Techniques

Multiplexing: FDM, Synchronous & Statistical TDM, WDM.


Transmission Medium

Guided media: Twisted pair, Coaxial, Fiber optics.

Unguided: Radio waves, microwaves, Infrared, Antenna, Communication satellites

(qualitative study only).


Switching and Telephone network

Circuit switched networks, Packet Switched networks, Virtual Circuit switch.

Major components of telephone network, Dial up modem, DSL and ADSL modems, Cable

TV for data transfer (qualitative study only)


Data link Layer:

Types of errors, framing (character and bit stuffing), error detection & correction methods,

Linear and cyclic codes, checksum.

Protocols: Stop & wait ARQ, Go-Back- N ARQ, Selective repeat ARQ, HDLC (qualitative

study only).

Physical addressing: MAC address and its format.


Medium Access sub layer

Point to Point Protocol, Token Ring: Reservation, Polling. Multiple access protocols: Pure


Channelization: FDMA, TDMA, CDMA (Qualitative study only).

Wired and Wireless LAN: Standards, fast Ethernet, Protocol 802.11, Bluetooth.


Network layer

Internetworking & devices: Repeaters, Hubs, Bridges, Switches, Router, Gateway,

Addressing: IP addressing, Subnetting, Routing techniques: static vs. dynamic routing ,

Protocols: RARP, ARP, IP, ICMP

11 hours

Transport layer

Process to Process delivery: UDP, TCP

03 hours

Application Layer

Introduction to DNS, Remote logging, FTP, Electronic mail, WWW & HTTP

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