Tuesday, January 17, 2017


Chapter 1:
1.       Program vs. software products.
2.       Structured programming and unstructured programming.
3.       Object oriented design.
Chapter 2:
1.       Need of life cycle model.
2.       Steps of classical waterfall life cycle model.
3.       Limitation of classical waterfall life cycle model.
4.       Iterative waterfall model, comparison with classical waterfall life cycle model.
5.       Prototyping model.
6.       Evolutionary model.
7.       Spiral model.
8.       Comparison of different life cycle model.
Chapter 3:
1.       Job responsibility, skills necessary of software project manager.
2.       Metric of project size estimation- i) LOC, ii) FP iii) Feature point
3.       Project estimation technique.
4.       COCOMO
5.       Staff management.
6.       Critical path
7.       Organization structure: functional format, project format.
8.       Team structure.
9.       Roles of good software engineer.
10.   Risk and their identification.
Chapter 4:
1.       Requirement gathering and analysis.
2.       Anomaly, Inconsistency, Incompleteness.
3.       What is SRS?
4.       Content of SRS document.
5.       Characteristics of Good SRS.
6.       Decision tree and decision table.
Chapter 5:
1.       Modularity.
2.       Cohesion and coupling.
3.        Classification of cohesiveness and coupling.
4.       Object oriented design and function oriented design.
Chapter 6:
1.       SA and SD, Structured chart, Structured English.
2.       DFD - symbols, application, context diagram, higher levels, balancing, shortcoming.
3.       Data dictionary.
4.       Logical DFD, Physical DFD.

Chapter 10:
1.       What is coding?
2.       Coding Standard.
3.       Code review- definition, different types.
4.       What is testing?
5.       Test case, test suit.
6.       Verification and validation.
7.       Testing in large Vs. Testing in small.
8.       Driver and stub module.
9.       White box and black box testing.
10.   Alpha testing and beta testing.
11.   CFG
12.   Cyclomatic complexity.(3 types)
13.   Mutation testing.
14.   Integration testing.
15.   Phased vs. Incremental testing.
16.   System testing.
Chapter 11:
1.       Software quality.
2.       ISO 9000.ISO 9001.
3.       CMM.
4.       PSP.

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