Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Basic Electronics Set 2

1. Operation of a pnp transistor,  npn transistor
2. Basic circuit for using a pnp transistor as an amplifier
3. Why this is called bipolar transistor?
4.Why this is called current controlled device?
5. Emitter follower.
6. Common-base, common-emitter and common-collector amplifiers
7. Relationship between α and β.
8. Load line analysis,Q-point
9. Describe the operation of a transistor amplifier in CE configuration.
10.Differentiate between FET and BJT transistors.
11. What is the use of biasing? Draw the DC equivalent model.
12. Thermal Runaway, thermal resistance
13.  Draw a BJT fixed bias circuit and derive the expression for the stability factor ‘S’.
14.Advantages and  disadvantages of fixed bias circuit
15. what is the condition for thermal stability?
16. Explain thermal instability. What are the factors affecting the stability factor?

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