Friday, November 11, 2016

Database Management Questions Set

1.  Data vs Information.
2. Meta data,Data dictionary , component of data dictionary , active and passive data dictionaries
3. System catalog
4. Field,record,file
5. Components of database
6. DBMS-operations
7. DA, DBA , functions and responsibilities of DBA.
8. Advantage and disadvantage of file oriented system
9. Advantage and disadvantage of DBMS
10. Redundancy, Consistency, Entity integrity , referential integrity,


1. Schemas, subschemas, instances
2. two tier architecture, three tier architecture(advantage and disadvantage)
3. ANSI/SPARC architecture
4. Data Independence -i ) logical  ii) physical
5. Mapping -i) internal ii) external
6. Centralized DBMS, Parallel DBMS, Distributed DBMS, Client-server DBMS, Data Warehouse ( example ,advantage, disadvantage ).

1. Data  model - def
2. Hierarchical model- example ,advantage, disadvantage
3. Network  model- example ,advantage, disadvantage
4. Relational model- example ,advantage, disadvantage
5. Object oriented data model - example ,advantage, disadvantage

1. RAID level
2. Master file,Transaction file
3. Buffer Management.
4. Fixed length record, variable length record- def,example,advantage,disadvantage
5. Heap file organisation - use , advantage , disadvantage
6. Sequential file organisation - use , advantage , disadvantage
7. Indexed sequential file organisation - use , advantage , disadvantage
8. Hash file organisation - use , advantage , disadvantage
9. Dynamic hashing

1. Ordered and un-ordered indexing
2. Sparse indexing dense indexing
3. Primary indexing, secondary indexing, cluster indexing
4. Tree based indexing
5. B-tree indexing
6. B+ tree indexing
7. inverted indexing
8. indexing vs hashing

1. domain,tuple
2. key - primary key, super key, candidate key, foreign key ( def , example )
3. Composite key, prime attribute
4. Relational Algebra : selection , projection , Cartesian product, union, intersection, set difference, join, natural join, outer join, left outer join, right outer join , division ( def, example)
5. Relational Calculus : tuple calculus, domain calculus, comparison with relational  algebra

1. advantage, disadvantage 
2. relationally complete
3. create table , update table , delete table 
4. modify structure of table, modify values of table
5. difference between varchar and varchar2.
6. date, to_char(),to_date()
7. in.not in
8. Group by, having
9. order by( asc or desc)
10. string functions, like, wildcard characters
11. set functions
12, aggregate functions ( sum,avg,count,....)
13. NULL values
14. Unique constraints
15. join - natural join, theta join, equi join, outer join., left outer join, right outer join.
16. Create view
17. PL/SQL
ER Diagram
1. Entities, Relationship, attributes, cardinality , constraints, Entity set(Entity type) , Entity instance.
2. Relationship - degree - unary or recursive, binary, ternary
                                   N-ary relationship
3. simple attribute, single valued attribute, multivalued attribute , composite attribute , stored attribute, derived attribute, identifier attributes
4. Participation constraints
5. Conversion from ER model to realtion
6. ER diagram symbols
7. Super Class and sub class
8. Attribute inheritence  , advantage of inheritence

Functional Dependency
1. Functional dependency diagram and examples
2. Partial dependency, Full dependency
3. Armstrong's Axioms for FD
4. Closure of a set of FD
5. Decomposition - lossy and lossless join
6. Dependency preserving decomposition

1. 1NF,2NF, 3NF, BCNF, 4NF, 5NF
2. Multi valued dependencies
3. Join dependencies
4. Spurious tuples.

to be continued..............

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