1. Find the current time and date.
[bgc@localhost ~]$ date
Thu Aug 23 04:54:01 EDT 2018
[bgc@localhost ~]$
2. Create a blank file.
[bgc@localhost ~]$ touch aniket.txt
[bgc@localhost ~]$
3. Create a file and write some sentences on the file.
[bgc@localhost ~]$ cat>file1.txt
today is thursday
I am a student
Bhairab Ganguly College
[bgc@localhost ~]$
4. Display the content of the file file1.txt
[bgc@localhost ~]$ cat file1.txt
today is thursday
I am a student
Bhairab Ganguly College
[bgc@localhost ~]$
5. Append some lines in a text file.
[bgc@localhost ~]$ cat>>file1.txt
tomorrow is friday
[bgc@localhost ~]$ cat file1.txt
today is thursday
I am a student
Bhairab Ganguly College
tomorrow is friday
[bgc@localhost ~]$
6. Create a directory or folder.
[bgc@localhost ~]$ mkdir Aniket
[bgc@localhost ~]$
7. Display all files and directories under the current directory.
[bgc@localhost ~]$ dir
10.sh~ 7.sh~ even nelash.sh
143.cpp~ 8a.sh evenoddchecking.sh nelash.sh~
144.cpp~ 8a.sh~ evenoddchecking.sh~ nelash.txt
145.cpp~ 8.sh f1 nelash.txt~
146.cpp~ 8.sh~ f2.cpp~ odd
147.cpp~ 9.sh~ f8.cpp~ p1.cpp~
148.cpp.cpp~ a file1.txt p2.cpp~
149.cpp~ A\ K\ PATWA\ 9564\ BGC file.c~ p3.cpp~
150.cpp~ aman~ file.txt paddy
151.cpp~ aman2~ file.txt~ paddy1.txt
152.cpp~ Aniket final.c Pictures
153.cpp~ aniket.txt first.c~ Public
154.cpp~ aniket.txt~ F_to_c.cpp~ puli1.c~
1.sh archie.sh HMS.cpp~ rajdeep.doc
1.sh~ archie.sh~ joy rajdeep.txt
2.sh Archisman.sh joy1.sh rajdeep.txt~
2.sh~ Archisman.sh~ joyblank.sh reverse.sh
3.sh Archisman.txt joyblank.sh~ reverse.sh~
3.sh~ Archisman.txt~ joymarks.sh sdsir.c~
4.sh arm.sh joyword.sh source.txt
4.sh~ arm.sh~ joyword.sh~ student1.txt
5.sh assignment1.sh joyyy.sh student1.txt~
5.sh~ assignment1.sh~ joyyy.sh~ t19.txt
6a.sh~ bubble.c~ km_to_mile.cpp~ t2.txt
6b.sh~ checking.sh linear.sh t2.txt~
6c.sh~ Debayan linear.sh~ Templates
6.sh Desktop Music triangle.txt~
6.sh~ destination.txt nealash2.txt Untitled\ Folder
7a.sh~ Documents nelash2.sh Videos
7b.sh~ Downloads nelash2.sh~ vowelcheck.txt
7c.sh~ DtoB.sh nelash3.sh
7.sh DtoB.sh~ nelash3.sh~
[bgc@localhost ~]$
8. Display all files and directories under the current directory.
[bgc@localhost ~]$ ls
10.sh~ 7.sh~ even nelash.sh
143.cpp~ 8a.sh evenoddchecking.sh nelash.sh~
144.cpp~ 8a.sh~ evenoddchecking.sh~ nelash.txt
145.cpp~ 8.sh f1 nelash.txt~
146.cpp~ 8.sh~ f2.cpp~ odd
147.cpp~ 9.sh~ f8.cpp~ p1.cpp~
148.cpp.cpp~ a file1.txt p2.cpp~
149.cpp~ A K PATWA 9564 BGC file.c~ p3.cpp~
150.cpp~ aman~ file.txt paddy
151.cpp~ aman2~ file.txt~ paddy1.txt
152.cpp~ Aniket final.c Pictures
153.cpp~ aniket.txt first.c~ Public
154.cpp~ aniket.txt~ F_to_c.cpp~ puli1.c~
1.sh archie.sh HMS.cpp~ rajdeep.doc
1.sh~ archie.sh~ joy rajdeep.txt
2.sh Archisman.sh joy1.sh rajdeep.txt~
2.sh~ Archisman.sh~ joyblank.sh reverse.sh
3.sh Archisman.txt joyblank.sh~ reverse.sh~
3.sh~ Archisman.txt~ joymarks.sh sdsir.c~
4.sh arm.sh joyword.sh source.txt
4.sh~ arm.sh~ joyword.sh~ student1.txt
5.sh assignment1.sh joyyy.sh student1.txt~
5.sh~ assignment1.sh~ joyyy.sh~ t19.txt
6a.sh~ bubble.c~ km_to_mile.cpp~ t2.txt
6b.sh~ checking.sh linear.sh t2.txt~
6c.sh~ Debayan linear.sh~ Templates
6.sh Desktop Music triangle.txt~
6.sh~ destination.txt nealash2.txt Untitled Folder
7a.sh~ Documents nelash2.sh Videos
7b.sh~ Downloads nelash2.sh~ vowelcheck.txt
7c.sh~ DtoB.sh nelash3.sh
7.sh DtoB.sh~ nelash3.sh~
[bgc@localhost ~]$
9. Details of all processes that are currently executing
[bgc@localhost ~]$ ps
2807 pts/1 00:00:00 bash
2889 pts/1 00:00:00 ps
[bgc@localhost ~]$
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