Sunday, November 29, 2020

CMS-A-CC-3-7-P: Operating Systems Lab. Core Course- 7: Practical, Credit: 02, Contact hours: 40. Shell programming in LINUX

 1. Write a shell script to convert the content of a file from lower case to upper case.

2. Write a shell script to count the words, lines and characters of a given file. File name should be

provided at run time.

3. Write a shell script that take a word from user and find out the frequency of the word in a given


4. Write a shell script that gets executed at the moment of user login and it displays Good Morning,

Good afternoon, Good Evening, Good Night, depending upon the time at which the user logs on.

5. Write a shell script to print Pascal diamond.

6. Write a shell script to find a number using sequential search method.

7. Write a shell script to find a number using binary search technique.

8. Write a shell script to sort a set of integer numbers using bubble sort.

9. Write a shell script to find out the factorial of a given number.

10. Write a shell script to reverse a string and check whether it is a palindrome.

11. Write a shell script to find the roots of a quadratic equation ax2 + bx +c = 0, considering all

possible cases.

12. Write a shell script for menu based system to insert records for employees with employee ID,

name, designation, salary in a data file, also display records when necessary. Display salary for

the employee asked.

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