Sunday, November 29, 2020

CMS-A-CC-2-4-P: Basic Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab. Core Course-4: Practical, Credits - 02, Contact hours - 40.

 1. Study the forward characteristic of a p-n junction diode and calculate the static and dynamic


2. Construct a Half wave rectifier using power diodes and study its load regulation characteristics

with and without capacitor filter.

3. Construct a full wave rectifier using power diodes and study its load regulation characteristics

with and without capacitor filter.

4. Construct a Bridge rectifier using power diodes and study its load regulation characteristics

with and without capacitor filter.

5. Study the reverse characteristic of a Zener diode and calculate the Zener voltage from the

characteristic curve and also calculate the value of current limiting resistance.

6. Construct a voltage regulator using Zener diode and study its load regulation characteristics.

7. Construct a positive and negative voltage regulator using three terminal linear voltage

regulators 78XX and 79XX. Study its load regulation characteristics.

8. Construct a variable positive voltage regulator using three terminal linear voltage regulator

LM317 and study its load regulation characteristics for different sets of output voltage.

9. Study the output characteristics of a transistor in CE mode and calculate the dc current gain (β)

from the graph.

10. Realize a NOT operation using a Transistor. Draw its transfer characteristics and measure the

threshold voltage.

11. Construct and study an Inverting amplifier using OPAMP with different sets of voltage gain

and calculate the gain from the graph.

12. Construct and study a non-inverting amplifier using OPAMP with different sets of voltage gain

and calculate the gain from the graph.

13. Construct and study an inverting adder using OPAMP capable of adding two inputs.

14. Construct and study a non-inverting adder using OPAMP capable of adding two inputs.

15. Construct and study a subtractor using OPAMP.

16. Construct and study the OPAMP as a subtractor.

17. Construct and study the OPAMP as a differentiator. Apply sine and square wave and study and

record the output waveforms.

18. Construct and study the OPAMP as an integrator. Apply sine and square wave and study and

record the output waveforms.

19. Construct an astable multivibrator using Timer 555.

20. Construct and study a R-2R ladder digital to analog converter.

21. Convert an analog signal into digital using ADC 0804/0808/0809.

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