Sunday, November 29, 2020

CMS-A-DSE-B--4-TH: Advanced Java DSE-B: Choice-4, Theory, Credit:04, Contact hours: 60.

 Basics of Servlet

Servlet: What and Why? Servlet API, Servlet interface, Generic Servlet, Http Servlet,

Servlet life cycle, Servlet request methods, Servlet collaboration, Servlet config.

10 hours

Session Management

What is a session? Why is it required? Creating a session? Session information passing

mechanisms between client and server - Cookies, Rewriting; Destroying a session.


04 hours

Basics of JSP

Life cycle of JSP; JSP API;JSP tags, directives, scripting elements, implicit objects,

exception handling, action elements; MVC.

10 hours

Design Pattern

Singleton; DAO; DTO; MVC; Front controller; Factory method; Collection


10 hours


Introduction to Javascript; Ways to use Javascript; Working with events; Client-side


10 hours


Introduction to JQuery; Validation using JQuery; JQuery forms; JQuery examples; Key

services of the application server.

06 hours

Spring Framework

Spring Core (Basic Concepts); Spring AOP; Spring JDBC; Spring MVC; Spring Boot

and Spring Data; Spring ORM.

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