Sunday, November 29, 2020

CMS-A-CC-2-3-P: Data Structure Lab using C. Core Course- 3: Practical, Credits - 02, Contact hours - 40.

 1. Write a program to search an element from a list. Give user the option to perform Linear or

Binary search.

2. Write a program to sort a list of elements. Give user the option to perform sorting using Insertion

sort, Bubble sort or Selection sort.

3. Implement Linked List. Include functions for insertion, deletion and search of a number, reverse

the list and concatenate two linked lists.

4. Implement Doubly Linked List. Include functions for insertion, deletion and search of a number,

reverse the list.

5. Implement Circular Linked List. Include functions for insertion, deletion and search of a

number, reverse the list.

6. Perform Stack operations using Linked List implementation.

7. Perform Stack operations using Array implementation.

8. Perform Queue operations using Array and linked list implementation.

9. Create and perform different operations on Double-ended Queues using Linked List


10. Write a program to scan a polynomial using linked list and add two polynomials.

11. Write a program to create a Binary Search Tree and include following operations in tree:

(a) Insertion (Recursive and Iterative Implementation).

(b) Deletion.

(c) Search a node in BST.

(d) Display its preorder, postorder and inorder traversals recursively.

(e) Display its preorder, postorder and inorder traversals Iteratively.

(f) Display its level-by-level traversals.

(g) Count the non-leaf nodes and leaf nodes.

(h) Display height of tree.

(i) Create a mirror image of tree.

12. Write a program to reverse the order of the elements in the stack using additional stack.

13. Write a program to reverse the order of the elements in the stack using additional Queue.

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