Sunday, November 29, 2020

CMS-A-CC-4-9-TH: Introduction to Algorithms & its Applications Core Course- 9: Theory, Credit: 04, Contact hours: 60.

 Introduction to Algorithms:

Definition, Characteristics, Recursive and Non-recursive algorithms.

05 hours

Asymptotic Complexity Analysis of Algorithms:

Space and Time Complexity, Efficiency of an algorithm, Growth of Functions, Polynomial

and Exponential Complexity, Asymptotic Notations: Big O Notation and Small o notation,

Big Ω and Small ω, Big Θ and Small ϕ Notations, Properties: Best case/worst case/average

case analysis of well-known algorithms.

10 hours

Algorithm Design Techniques:

Concepts and simple case studies of Greedy algorithms. Divide and conquer: Basic

concepts, Case study of selected searching and sorting problems using divide and

conquer techniques: Dynamic programming: General issues in Dynamic Programming.

15 hours

Graph Representation and Algorithm:

Graph traversal algorithms: BFS, DFS, Minimal spanning trees: Prim's Algorithm,

Kruskal's Algorithm, Shortest path algorithms: Floyd's Algorithm, Floyd-Warshall

Algorithm, Dijkstra's Algorithm, Graph Coloring Algorithms.

25 hours

Classification of Problems:

Concept of P, NP.

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