Sunday, November 29, 2020

CMS-A-CC-5-11-TH: Database Management System (DBMS). Core Course- 11: Theory, Credit: 04, Contact hour: 60 hours.


Drawbacks of Legacy System; Advantages of DBMS; Layered Architecture of Database,

Data Independence; Data Models; Schemas and Instances; Database Languages; Database

Users, DBA; Data Dictionary.


Entity Relationship(ER) Modeling

Entity, Attributes and Relationship, Structural Constraints, Keys, ER Diagram of Some

Example Database, Weak and strong Entity Set, Specialization and Generalization,

Constraints of Specialization and Generalization, Aggregation.


Relational Model

Basic Concepts of Relational Model; Relational Algebra; Tuple Relational Calculus;

Domain Relational Calculus.


Integrity Constraints

Domain Constraints, Referential Integrity, View.


Relational Database Design

Problems of Un-Normalized Database; Functional Dependencies (FD),Derivation Rules,

Closure of FD Set, Canonical Cover; Normalization: Decomposition to 1NF, 2NF, 3NF or

BCNF Using FD; Lossless Join Decomposition Algorithm; Dependency preservation.



Basic Structure, Data Definition, Constraints and Schema Changes; Basic SQL Queries

(Selection, Insertion, Deletion, Update); Order by Clause; Complex Queries, Aggregate

Function and Group by Clause; Nested Sub Queries; Views, Joined Relations; Set

Comparisons (All, Some); Derived Relations.


Record Storage and File Organization (Concepts only)

Fixed Length and Variable Length Records; Spanned and Un-Spanned Organization of

Records; Primary File Organizations and Access Structures Concepts; Unordered,

Sequential, Hashed; Concepts of Primary and Secondary Index; Dense and Sparse Index;

Index Sequential Files; Multilevel Indices.

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