Sunday, November 29, 2020

CMS-A-SEC-A-3-1-TH: Computer Graphics Skill Enhancement Course: SEC-A: Choice -1: Theory, Credit:02, Contact hours: 40.


Basic concepts of Graphics Devices– CRT monitor, Monochrome and Color Monitor

displaying technique only, Physical and logical units of graphics devices – Pixel and its

different properties, Basic idea for image or picture formation using pixels – Raster Scan and

Vector Scan.

05 hours

Basic geometrical shapes formation algorithms

Concepts Co-ordinate System, Line Segment, Digital Differential Analyzer, Circle and arc

segment, elliptic segment, Bresenham’s and Midpoint scan conversion algorithms.

05 hours

Two and Three Dimensional Transformations

Transformations operations - Translation, Rotation, Scaling. Reflection, Shearing and Inverse

of these operations, Homogeneous coordinate system representation, matrix representation.

Composite Transformations Operations – Basic ideas and matrix representations by matrix

concatenation for a particular operation.

14 hours

Two Dimensional Clipping

View port, window port, display device, Point Clipping, Line Clipping, Cohen-Sutherland

line clipping algorithm, Sutherland Hudgeman polygon clipping algorithm

08 hours


Basic Concept of Projection operation and its application, Classification – Perspective,

Parallel and its subclasses, Principles of these projections (Geometric representation only, no

Mathematical Foundation and algorithms)

06 hours


Basic Concepts Computer Art, Animation – Animating and modeling of real world,

Morphing – Classification of morphing and Application to the Advertisements and


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