Sunday, November 29, 2020

CMS-A-DSE-A--1-TH: Digital Image Processing. DSE-A: Choice-1: Theory, Credit:04, Contact hours: 60.


Image definition and its representation, Pixels, Co-ordinate conventions, Image

formats (Study of the image matrix), neighbourhood metrics, Sampling and

quantization, Types of distance measure (concept only).


Spatial Domain

Image enhancement techniques in spatial domain, Contrast stretching, Histogram

Processing, Noise smoothing, Sharpening, Pixel Classification, RGB & Grey image.

Transformation: Arithmetic Transformation, Logical Geometric Transformation,

Hough Transformation, FFT.

Filtering: Spatial domain filters: Convolution, Edge Detection Filters



Grey level thresholding, global/ local thresholding, Iterative thresholding, Edge

detection operators, Region growing, Split/ merge techniques, Image feature/

primitive extraction, Background correction, Color enhancement.


Image Segmentation

Boundary detection based techniques, Point, line detection, Edge detection, Local


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