Thursday, April 30, 2020

Design and Analysis of Algorithms

CMSACOR08T: Design and Analysis of Algorithms Lab Theory: 60 Lectures 

1. Introduction (5 Lectures) 
Basic Design and Analysis techniques of Algorithms, 
orrectness of Algorithm.

 2. Algorithm Design Techniques (8 Lectures) 
Iterative techniques, 
Divide and Conquer, 
Dynamic Programming, 
Greedy Algorithms. 

3. Sorting and Searching Techniques (20 Lectures) 
Elementary sorting techniques–
Bubble Sort -   CLICK HERE
Insertion Sort -  CLICK HERE 
Merge Sort - CLICK HERE
Advanced Sorting techniques -:
 Heap Sort -  CLICK HERE 
Quick Sort -   CLICK HERE
Sorting in Linear Time -: 
Bucket Sort - 
Radix Sort - CLICK HERE
and Count Sort, 

Searching Techniques:  i) LINEAR_SEARCH -- CLICK
                                      ii)  BINARY_SEARCH --CLICK

Medians & Order Statistics, complexity analysis; 

4. Lower Bounding Techniques (5 Lectures)
 Decision Trees 

5. Balanced Trees (7 Lectures) 
Red-Black Trees  i ) INSERTION
6. Advanced Analysis Technique (5 Lectures) 
Amortized analysis 

7. Graphs (5 Lectures) 
Graph Algorithms–
Breadth First Search - CLICK HERE
Depth First Search -  CLICK HERE
and its Applications, 
Minimum Spanning Trees. -  1. PRIMS - CLICK
                                               2. KRUSKAL - CLICK

 8. String Processing (5Lectures)
 String Matching,
KMP Technique

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