Thursday, April 30, 2020

Big Data

Big Data Theory: 60 lectures
What is big data – why big data –.Data!, Data Storage and Analysis, Comparison with Other Systems, Rational Database Management System , Grid Computing, Volunteer Computing, convergence of key trends – unstructured data – industry examples of big data – web analytics – big data and marketing – fraud and big data – risk and big data – credit risk management – big data and algorithmic trading – big data and healthcare – big data in medicine – advertising and big data – big data technologies – introduction to Hadoop – open source technologies – cloud and big data – mobile business intelligence – Crowd sourcing analytics – inter and trans firewall analytics.
Introduction to NoSQL – aggregate data models – aggregates – key-value and document data models – relationships – graph databases – schema less databases – materialized views – distribution models – shading –– version – map reduce – partitioning and combining – composing map-reduce calculations.
BASICS OF HADOOP Data format – analyzing data with Hadoop – scaling out – Hadoop streaming – Hadoop pipes – design of Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS) – HDFS concepts – Java interface – data flow – Hadoop I/O – data integrity – compression – serialization – Avro – file-based data structures.
MAPREDUCE APPLICATIONS MapReduce workflows – unit tests with MRUnit – test data and local tests – anatomy of MapReduce job run – classic Map-reduce – YARN – failures in classic Map-reduce and YARN – job scheduling – shuffle and sort – task execution – MapReduce types – input formats – output formats
HADOOP RELATED TOOLS Hbase – data model and implementations – Hbase clients – Hbase examples –praxis. Cassandra – Cassandra data model – Cassandra examples – Cassandra clients –Hadoop integration. Pig – Grunt – pig data model – Pig Latin – developing and testing Pig Latin scripts. Hive – data types and file formats – HiveQL data definition – HiveQL data manipulation – HiveQL queries.

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