Thursday, April 30, 2020

Data Structures

CMSACOR05T: Data Structures Theory: 60 Lectures 

1. Arrays (5 Lectures):
            Single and Multi-dimensional Arrays, 
            Sparse Matrices (Array and Linked Representation) 

2. Stacks (5 Lectures):
           Implementing single / multiple stack/s in an Array; 
           Prefix, Infix and Postfix expressions, 
           Utility and conversion of these expressions from one to another;
           Applications of stack; 
           Limitations of Array representation of stack

 3. Linked Lists (10 Lectures) :
          Singly linked list
          Doubly linked list
          Circular Lists (Array and Linked representation);
          Normal and Circular representation of Stack in Lists; 
          Self Organizing Lists; 
          Skip Lists 

4. Queues (5 Lectures) 
          Array and Linked representation of Queue, 
          Priority Queues 

5. Recursion (5 lectures):
         Developing Recursive Definition of Simple Problems and their implementation;
         Advantages and Limitations of Recursion; 
        Understanding what goes behind Recursion (Internal Stack Implementation)

6. Trees (20 Lectures):
        Introduction to Tree as a data structure;
        Binary Trees (Insertion, Deletion, Recursive and Iterative Traversals on Binary Search Trees);               Threaded Binary Trees (Insertion, Deletion, Traversals); 
        Height-Balanced Trees (Various operations on AVL Trees). 

7. Searching and Sorting (5 Lectures):

             Linear Search - CLICK HERE
             Binary Search  -  CLICK HERE
             Comparison of Linear and Binary Search
             Selection Sort - CLICK HERE
             Insertion Sort - CLICK HERE
             Shell Sort
             Comparison of Sorting Techniques 

8. Hashing (5 Lectures) Introduction to Hashing, Deleting from Hash Table, Efficiency of Rehash Methods, Hash Table Reordering, Resolving collusion by Open Addressing, Coalesced Hashing, Separate Chaining, Dynamic and Extendible Hashing, Choosing a Hash Function, Perfect Hashing Function

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