Thursday, April 30, 2020

cbcs assignment keyboard key pressed

cbcs assignment keyboard event

cbcs assignment mouse event

cbcs assignment mouse click

25. Write a program that creates a Banner and then creates a thread to scrolls the message in the banner from left to right across the applet‘s window.(cbcs assignment banner java)

25. Write a program that creates a Banner and then creates a thread to scrolls the message in the banner from left to right across the applet‘s window.

cbcs assignment 26 java

26. Write a program to get the URL/location of code (i.e. java code) and document(i.e. html file).

Programming Fundamentals using C/C++

1. Introduction to C and C++ (3 Lectures)

History of C and C++,
 Overview of Procedural Programming and Object-Orientation Programming, 
Using main() function,
 Compiling and Executing Simple Programs in C++.

Data Types,
Operators and Basic I/O (5 Lectures)

 Defining and Initializing Variables, 
Scope of Variables, 
Using Named Constants,
Data Types, 
Casting of Data Types, 
Operators (Arithmetic, Logical and Bitwise),
 Using Comments in programs,
 Character I/O (getc, getchar, putc, putcharetc), 
Formatted and Console I/O (printf(), scanf(), cin, cout), 
Using Basic Header Files (stdio.h, iostream.h, conio.hetc).

3. Expressions, Conditional Statements
 and Iterative Statements (5 Lectures)
Simple Expressions in C++ (including Unary Operator Expressions, Binary Operator Expressions), 

Understanding Operators Precedence in Expressions, 
Conditional Statements (if construct, switch-case construct), 
Understanding syntax and utility of Iterative Statements (while, do-while, and for loops), 
Use of break and continue in Loops,
 Using Nested Statements (Conditional as well as Iterative)

4. Functions and Arrays (10 Lectures)
Utility of functions,
 Call by Value,
 Call by Reference, 
Functions returning value, 
Void functions, Inline Functions,
 Return data type of functions, 
Functions parameters, 
Differentiating between Declaration and Definition of Functions, 
Command Line Arguments/Parameters in Functions, 
Functions with variable number of Arguments.
 Creating and Using One Dimensional Arrays
 ( Declaring and Defining an Array, Initializing an Array, Accessing individual elements in an Array, Manipulating array elements using loops),

 Use Various types of arrays (integer, float and character arrays / Strings) 

Two-dimensional Arrays (Declaring, Defining and Initializing Two Dimensional Array, Working with Rows and Columns),
 Introduction to Multi-dimensional arrays

5. Derived Data Types (Structures and Unions) (3 Lectures)
Understanding utility of structures and unions, 
Declaring, initializing and using simple structures and unions, 
Manipulating individual members of structures and unions, 
Array of Structures, Individual data members as structures, 
Passing and returning structures from functions, 
Structure with union as members,
Union with structures as members.

6. Pointers and References in C++ (7 Lectures)

Understanding a Pointer Variable,
 Simple use of Pointers (Declaring and Dereferencing Pointers to simple variables), 
Pointers to Pointers,
 Pointers to structures, 
Problems with Pointers, 
Passing pointers as function arguments, 
Returning a pointer from a function, 
using arrays as pointers, 
Passing arrays to functions.
 Pointers vs. References, 
Declaring and initializing references, 
Using references as function arguments 
and function return values

7. Memory Allocation in C++ (3 Lectures)

Differentiating between static and dynamic memory allocation, 
use of malloc,
 calloc and free functions, 
use of new and delete operators, 
storage of variables in static and dynamic memory allocation

8. File I/O, Preprocessor Directives (4 Lectures)
Opening and closing a file (use of fstream header file, ifstream, ofstream and fstream classes),

 Reading and writing Text Files, 
Using put(), get(), read() and write() functions, 
Random access in files, 
Understanding the Preprocessor Directives
 (#include, #define, #error, #if, #else, #elif, #endif, #ifdef, #ifndef and #undef), 

9. Using Classes in C++ (7 Lectures)
Principles of Object-Oriented Programming,
 Defining & Using Classes,
 Class Constructors,
 Constructor Overloading,
 Function overloading in classes,
 Class Variables &Functions,
 Objects as parameters,
 Specifying the Protected and Private Access,
 Copy Constructors, 
Overview of Template classes and their use.

10. Overview of Function Overloading and Operator Overloading (5 Lectures)

Need of Overloading functions and operators, 
Overloading functions by number and type of arguments,
 Looking at an operator as a function call, 
Overloading Operators (including assignment operators, unary operators)

11. Inheritance, Polymorphism and Exception Handling (8 Lectures)

Introduction to Inheritance (Multi-Level Inheritance, Multiple Inheritance), 

Polymorphism (Virtual Functions, Pure Virtual Functions),

 Basics Exceptional Handling (using catch and throw, multiple catch statements),
 Catching all exceptions, 
Restricting exceptions, 
Rethrowing exceptions.

Computer System Architecture

1. Introduction (8 lectures) Logic gates, boolean algebra, combinational circuits, circuit simplification, flip-flops and sequential circuits, decoders, multiplexers, registers, counters and memory units.
2. Data Representation and Basic Computer Arithmetic (10 lectures) Number systems, complements, fixed and floating point representation, character representation, addition, subtraction, magnitude comparison, multiplication and division algorithms for integers
3. Basic Computer Organization and Design (13 lectures) Computer registers, bus system, instruction set, timing and control, instruction cycle, memory reference, input -output and interrupt, Interconnection Structures, Bus Interconnection design of basic computer.
4. Central Processing Unit (15 lectures) Register organization, arithmetic and logical micro-operations, stack organization, micro programmed control. Instruction formats, addressing modes, instruction codes, machine language, assembly language, input output programming, RISC, CISC architectures, pipelining and parallel architecture.
5. Memory Organization
(6 lectures)
Cache memory, Associative memory, mapping.
6. Input-Output Organization (8 lectures)
Input / Output: External Devices, I/O Modules, Programmed I/O, Interrupt-Driven I/O, Direct Memory Access, I/O Channels.

Programming in Java

CMSACOR03T: Programming in Java Theory: 60 Lectures

1. Introduction to Java (4 Lectures) 
Java Architecture and Features, 
Understanding the semantic and syntax 
differences between C++ and Java,
 Compiling and Executing a Java Program, 
Variables, Constants, Keywords Data Types, 
Operators (Arithmetic, Logical and Bitwise) and Expressions, 
Doing Basic Program Output, 
Decision Making Constructs (conditional statements and loops) and Nesting, 
Java Methods (Defining, Scope, Passing and Returning Arguments, Type Conversion and Type and Checking, Built-in Java Class Methods),

2. Arrays, Strings and I/O (8 Lectures) 
Creating & Using Arrays (One Dimension and Multi-dimensional), 
Referencing Arrays Dynamically, 
Java Strings: 
The Java String class, 
Creating & Using String Objects,
Manipulating Strings, 
String Immutability & Equality,
 Passing Strings To & From Methods, 
String Buffer Classes. 
Simple I/O using System.out and the Scanner class, 
Byte and Character streams, 
Reading/Writing from console and files.

3. Object-Oriented Programming Overview (4 Lectures)
Principles of Object-Oriented Programming, Defining & Using Classes,
 Controlling Access to Class Members, 
Class Constructors, Method Overloading, 
Class Variables & Methods, 
Objects as parameters, 
final classes, 
Object class, 
Garbage Collection.

 4. Inheritance, Interfaces, Packages, Enumerations, Autoboxing and Metadata (14 lectures)
Inheritance: (Single Level and Multilevel, Method Overriding, 
Dynamic Method Dispatch, Abstract Classes), 
Interfaces and Packages, Extending interfaces and packages, 
Package and Class Visibility, Using Standard Java Packages (util, lang, io, net), 
Wrapper Classes, Autoboxing/Unboxing, 
Enumerations and Metadata.

5. Exception Handling, Threading, Networking and Database Connectivity (15 Lectures)

Exception types, uncaught exceptions, throw, built-in exceptions, Creating your own exceptions;
 Multi-threading: The Thread class and Runnable interface, creating single and multiple threads, 
Thread prioritization, synchronization and communication, suspending/resuming threads. 
Using package, 
Overview of TCP/IP and Datagram programming. 
Accessing and manipulating databases using JDBC.

6. Applets and Event Handling (15 Lectures) 
Java Applets:Introduction to Applets, 
Writing Java Applets, 
Working with Graphics, 
Incorporating Images & Sounds. 
Event Handling Mechanisms,
Listener Interfaces, Adapter and Inner Classes. 
The design and Implementation of GUIs using the AWT controls,
 Swing components of Java Foundation Classes such as labels, buttons, textfields, layout managers, menus, events and listeners; 
Graphic objects for drawing figures such as lines, rectangles, ovals, using different fonts. 
Overview of servlets.

Discrete Structures

CMSACOR04T: Discrete Structures Theory: 75 Lectures AdditionalTutorial: 15 Lectures

1. Introduction: (20 Lectures) 
Sets - finite and Infinite sets, uncountably Infinite Sets;
 functions,relations, Properties of Binary Relations, Closure, Partial Ordering Relations;
 counting - Pigeonhole Principle, Permutation andCombination; 
Mathematical Induction, Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion.

2. Growth of Functions: (10 Lectures) Asymptotic Notations, 
Summation formulas and properties, 
Bounding Summations, 
approximation by Integrals

3. Recurrences: (12 Lectures) 
Recurrence Relations, generating functions, 
Linear RecurrenceRelations with constant coefficients and their solution, 
Substitution Method, Recurrence Trees, 
Master Theorem

4. Graph Theory (18 Lectures) 
Basic Terminology, Models and Types, 
multigraphs and weighted graphs,
 Graph Representation, Graph Isomorphism,
Euler and Hamiltonian Paths and Circuits, 
Planar Graphs, Graph Coloring, 
Trees, Basic Terminology and properties of Trees, 
Introduction to Spanning Trees

5. Prepositional Logic (15 Lectures) 
Logical Connectives, Well-formed Formulas, Tautologies,
 Equivalences, Inference Theory

Data Structures

CMSACOR05T: Data Structures Theory: 60 Lectures 

1. Arrays (5 Lectures):
            Single and Multi-dimensional Arrays, 
            Sparse Matrices (Array and Linked Representation) 

2. Stacks (5 Lectures):
           Implementing single / multiple stack/s in an Array; 
           Prefix, Infix and Postfix expressions, 
           Utility and conversion of these expressions from one to another;
           Applications of stack; 
           Limitations of Array representation of stack

 3. Linked Lists (10 Lectures) :
          Singly linked list
          Doubly linked list
          Circular Lists (Array and Linked representation);
          Normal and Circular representation of Stack in Lists; 
          Self Organizing Lists; 
          Skip Lists 

4. Queues (5 Lectures) 
          Array and Linked representation of Queue, 
          Priority Queues 

5. Recursion (5 lectures):
         Developing Recursive Definition of Simple Problems and their implementation;
         Advantages and Limitations of Recursion; 
        Understanding what goes behind Recursion (Internal Stack Implementation)

6. Trees (20 Lectures):
        Introduction to Tree as a data structure;
        Binary Trees (Insertion, Deletion, Recursive and Iterative Traversals on Binary Search Trees);               Threaded Binary Trees (Insertion, Deletion, Traversals); 
        Height-Balanced Trees (Various operations on AVL Trees). 

7. Searching and Sorting (5 Lectures):

             Linear Search - CLICK HERE
             Binary Search  -  CLICK HERE
             Comparison of Linear and Binary Search
             Selection Sort - CLICK HERE
             Insertion Sort - CLICK HERE
             Shell Sort
             Comparison of Sorting Techniques 

8. Hashing (5 Lectures) Introduction to Hashing, Deleting from Hash Table, Efficiency of Rehash Methods, Hash Table Reordering, Resolving collusion by Open Addressing, Coalesced Hashing, Separate Chaining, Dynamic and Extendible Hashing, Choosing a Hash Function, Perfect Hashing Function

Operating Systems

CMSACOR06T: Operating Systems Theory: 60 Lectures
1. Introduction (10 Lectures)
Basic OS functions, resource abstraction, types of operating systems–multiprogramming systems, batch systems , time sharing systems; operating systems for personal computers & workstations, process control & real time systems. 2. Operating System Organization (6 Lectures) Processor and user modes, kernels, system calls and systemprograms. 3. Process Management ( 20Lectures) System view of the process and resources, process abstraction, processhierarchy, threads, threading issues, thread libraries; Process Scheduling, non-pre-emptive and pre-emptive scheduling algorithms; concurrent and processes, critical section, semaphores, methods for inter-process communication; deadlocks. 4.Memory Management (10 Lectures) Physical and virtual address space; memory allocation strategies -fixedand variable partitions, paging, segmentation, virtual memory 5.File and I/O Management (10 Lectures) Directory structure, file operations, file allocation methods, devicemanagement. 6.Protection and Security (4 Lectures) Policy mechanism, Authentication, Internal access Authorization.

Computer Networks

1. Introduction to Computer Networks (8 Lectures) Network definition; network topologies; network classifications; network protocol; layered network architecture; overview of OSI reference model; overview of TCP/IP protocol suite. 2. Data Communication Fundamentals and Techniques (10 Lectures) Analog and digital signal; data-ratelimits; digital to digital line encoding schemes; pulse code modulation; parallel and serial transmission; digital to analog modulation-; multiplexing techniques- FDM, TDM; transmission media.
3. Networks Switching Techniques and Access mechanisms (10 Lectures) Circuit switching; packet switching- connectionless datagram switching, connection-oriented virtual circuit switching; dial-up modems; digital subscriber line; cable TV for data transfer. 4. Data Link Layer Functions and Protocol (10 Lectures) Error detection and error correction techniques; data-link control- framing and flow control; error recovery protocols- stop and wait ARQ, go-back-n ARQ; Point to Point Protocol on Internet. 5. Multiple Access Protocol and Networks (5 Lectures) CSMA/CD protocols; Ethernet LANS; connecting LAN and back-bone networks- repeaters, hubs, switches, bridges, router and gateways; 6. Networks Layer Functions and Protocols (6 Lectures) Routing; routing algorithms; network layer protocolof Internet- IP protocol, Internet control protocols. 7. Transport Layer Functions and Protocols (6 Lectures) Transport services- error and flow control, Connection establishment and release- three way handshake; 8. Overview of Application layer protocol (5 Lectures) Overview of DNS protocol; overview of WWW &HTTP protocol.

Design and Analysis of Algorithms

CMSACOR08T: Design and Analysis of Algorithms Lab Theory: 60 Lectures 

1. Introduction (5 Lectures) 
Basic Design and Analysis techniques of Algorithms, 
orrectness of Algorithm.

 2. Algorithm Design Techniques (8 Lectures) 
Iterative techniques, 
Divide and Conquer, 
Dynamic Programming, 
Greedy Algorithms. 

3. Sorting and Searching Techniques (20 Lectures) 
Elementary sorting techniques–
Bubble Sort -   CLICK HERE
Insertion Sort -  CLICK HERE 
Merge Sort - CLICK HERE
Advanced Sorting techniques -:
 Heap Sort -  CLICK HERE 
Quick Sort -   CLICK HERE
Sorting in Linear Time -: 
Bucket Sort - 
Radix Sort - CLICK HERE
and Count Sort, 

Searching Techniques:  i) LINEAR_SEARCH -- CLICK
                                      ii)  BINARY_SEARCH --CLICK

Medians & Order Statistics, complexity analysis; 

4. Lower Bounding Techniques (5 Lectures)
 Decision Trees 

5. Balanced Trees (7 Lectures) 
Red-Black Trees  i ) INSERTION
6. Advanced Analysis Technique (5 Lectures) 
Amortized analysis 

7. Graphs (5 Lectures) 
Graph Algorithms–
Breadth First Search - CLICK HERE
Depth First Search -  CLICK HERE
and its Applications, 
Minimum Spanning Trees. -  1. PRIMS - CLICK
                                               2. KRUSKAL - CLICK

 8. String Processing (5Lectures)
 String Matching,
KMP Technique

Software Engineering

1.Introduction (8 Lectures) The Evolving Role of Software, Software Characteristics, Changing Nature of Software, Software Engineering as a Layered Technology, Software Process Framework, Framework and Umbrella Activities, Process Models, Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI).
2.Requirement Analysis (10 Lectures) Software Requirement Analysis, Initiating Requirement Engineering Process, Requirement Analysis and Modeling Techniques, Flow Oriented Modeling, Need for SRS, Characteristics and Components of SRS.
3.Software Project Management
(8Lectures) Estimation in Project Planning Process, Project Scheduling.
4.Risk Management
(8 Lectures) Software Risks, Risk Identification, Risk Projection and Risk Refinement, RMMM Plan. 5.Quality Management
(8 Lectures) Quality Concepts, Software Quality Assurance, Software Reviews, Metrics for Process and Projects.
6.Design Engineering
(10 Lectures) Design Concepts, Architectural Design Elements, Software
Architecture, Data Design at the
Architectural Level and Component Level, Mapping of Data Flow into Software Architecture, Modeling Component Level Design. 7.Testing Strategies & Tactics (8 Lectures) Software Testing Fundamentals, Strategic Approachto Software Testing, Test Strategies for Conventional Software, Validation Testing, System testing, Black-Box Testing, White-Box Testing and their type, Basis Path Testing.

Database Management Systems

CMSACOR10T: Database Management Systems Theory: 60 Lectures 1. Introduction (6 Lectures) Characteristics of database approach, data models, database system architecture and data
independence. 2. Entity Relationship(ER) Modeling (8 Lectures) Entity types, relationships, constraints. 3. Relation data model (20 Lectures) Relational model concepts, relational constraints, relational algebra, SQLqueries 4. Database design (15 Lectures) Mapping ER/EER model to relational database, functional dependencies,Lossless decomposition, Normal forms (upto BCNF). 5. Transaction Processing (3 Lectures) ACID properties, concurrency control 6. File Structure and Indexing (8 Lectures) Operations on files, File of Unordered and ordered records, overview of File organizations, Indexing structures for files( Primary index, secondary index, clustering index), Multilevel indexing using B and B+ trees.

Internet Technologies

Java (5 lectures) Use of Objects, Array and ArrayList class JavaScript (15 lectures) Data types, operators, functions, control structures, events and event handling. JDBC (10 lectures) JDBC Fundamentals, Establishing Connectivity and working with connection interface, Working with statements, Creating and Executing SQL Statements, Working with Result Set Objects. JSP (20 lectures) Introduction to JavaServer Pages, HTTP and Servlet Basics, The Problem with Servlets, The Anatomy of a JSP Page, JSP Processing, JSP Application Design with MVC, Setting Up the JSP Environment, Implicit JSP Objects, Conditional Processing, Displaying Values, Using an expression to Set an Attribute, Declaring Variables and Methods, Error Handling and Debugging, Sharing Data Between JSP Pages, Requests, and Users, Database Access. Java Beans (10 lectures) Java Beans Fundamentals, JAR files, Introspection, Developing a simple Bean, Connecting to DB

Theory of Computation

CMSACOR12T: Theory of Computation Theory: 75 Lectures AdditionalTutorial: 15 Lectures
1. Languages
(10 Lectures)
Alphabets, string, language, Basic Operations on language, Concatenation, Kleene Star 2. Finite Automata and Regular Languages (25 Lectures) Regular Expressions, Transition Graphs, Deterministics and non-deterministic finite automata, NFA to DFA Conversion, Regular languages and their relationship with finite automata, Pumping lemma and closure properties of regular languages. 3. Context free languages (20 Lectures) Context free grammars, parse trees, ambiguities in grammars and languages, Pushdown automata (Deterministic and Non-deterministic), Pumping Lemma, Properties of context free languages, normal forms. 4. Turing Machines and Models of Computations (20 Lectures) RAM, Turing Machine as a model of computation, Universal Turing Machine, Language acceptability, decidability, halting problem, Recursively enumerable and recursive languages, unsolvability problems.

Artificial Intelligence

CMSACOR13T: Artificial Intelligence Theory: 60 Lectures 1. Introduction (06 Lectures) Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Background and Applications, Turing Test and Rational Agent approaches to AI, Introduction to Intelligent Agents, their structure, behavior and environment.
2. Problem Solving and Searching Techniques (20 Lectures) Problem Characteristics, Production Systems, Control Strategies, Breadth First Search, Depth First Search, Hill climbing and its Variations, Heuristics Search Techniques: Best First Search, A* algorithm, Constraint Satisfaction Problem, Means-End Analysis, Introduction to Game Playing, Min-Max and Alpha-Beta pruning algorithms.
3. Knowledge Representation (20 Lectures) Introduction to First Order Predicate Logic, Resolution Principle, Unification, Semantic Nets, Conceptual Dependencies, Frames, and Scripts, Production Rules, Conceptual Graphs. Programming in Logic (PROLOG)
4. Dealing with Uncertainty and Inconsistencies (08 Lectures) Truth Maintenance System, Default Reasoning, Probabilistic Reasoning, Bayesian Probabilistic Inference, Possible World Representations.
5. Understanding Natural Languages (06 Lectures) Parsing Techniques, Context-Free and Transformational Grammars, Recursive and Augmented Transition Nets.

Computer Graphics

CMSACOR14T: Computer Graphics Theory: 75 Lectures
1. Introduction (5 Lectures) Basic elements of Computer graphics, Applications of Computer Graphics.
2. Graphics Hardware (8 Lectures) Architecture of Raster and Random scan display devices, input/output devices.
3. Fundamental Techniques in Graphics (22 Lectures) Raster scan line, circle and ellipse drawing, thick primitives, Polygon filling, line and polygon clipping algorithms, 2D and 3D Geometric Transformations, 2D and 3D Viewing Transformations (Projections- Parallel and Perspective), Vanishing points.
4. Geometric Modeling (10 Lectures)
Representing curves & Surfaces.
5.Visible Surface determination (8 Lectures) Hidden surface elimination.
6.Surface rendering (7 Lectures) Illumination and shading models. Basic color models and Computer Animation.


CSMADSE01T:Microprocessor Theory: 60 Lectures Microprocessor architecture: Internal architecture, system bus architecture, memory and I/Ointerfaces. Microprocessor programming: Register Organization, instruction formats, assembly languageprogramming. Interfacing: Memory address decoding, cache memory and cache controllers, I/O interface,keyboard, display, timer, interrupt controller, DMA controller, video controllers, communication interfaces.

Data Mining

CSMADSE02T: Data Mining Theory: 60 lectures
Overview: Predictive and descriptive data mining techniques, supervised and unsupervisedlearning techniques, process of knowledge discovery in databases, pre-processing methods
Data Mining Techniques: Association Rule Mining, classification and regressiontechniques, clustering, Scalability and data management issues in data mining algorithms, measures of interestingness

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing
Overview of Computing Paradigm ( 8 lectures)
Recent trends in Computing : Grid Computing, Cluster Computing, Distributed Computing, Utility Computing, Cloud Computing,
Introduction to Cloud Computing ( 7 lectures) Introduction to Cloud Computing, History of Cloud Computing, Cloud service providers, Benefits and limitations of Cloud Computing,
Cloud Computing Architecture ( 20 lectures) Comparison with traditional computing architecture (client/server), Services provided at various levels, Service Models- Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS), Platform as a Service(PaaS), Software as a Service(SaaS), How Cloud Computing Works, Deployment
Models- Public cloud, Private cloud, Hybrid cloud, Community cloud, Case study of NIST architecture.
Case Studies ( 13 lectures) Case study of Service model using Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure, Amazon EC2 , Eucalyptus. Service Management in Cloud Computing ( 7 lectures) Service Level Agreements(SLAs), Billing & Accounting, Comparing Scaling Hardware: Traditional vs. Cloud, Economics of scaling. Cloud Security ( 5 lectures) Infrastructure Security- Network level security, Host level security, Application level security, Data security and Storage- Data privacy and security Issues, Jurisdictional issues raised by Data location, Authentication in cloud computing.

Big Data

Big Data Theory: 60 lectures
What is big data – why big data –.Data!, Data Storage and Analysis, Comparison with Other Systems, Rational Database Management System , Grid Computing, Volunteer Computing, convergence of key trends – unstructured data – industry examples of big data – web analytics – big data and marketing – fraud and big data – risk and big data – credit risk management – big data and algorithmic trading – big data and healthcare – big data in medicine – advertising and big data – big data technologies – introduction to Hadoop – open source technologies – cloud and big data – mobile business intelligence – Crowd sourcing analytics – inter and trans firewall analytics.
Introduction to NoSQL – aggregate data models – aggregates – key-value and document data models – relationships – graph databases – schema less databases – materialized views – distribution models – shading –– version – map reduce – partitioning and combining – composing map-reduce calculations.
BASICS OF HADOOP Data format – analyzing data with Hadoop – scaling out – Hadoop streaming – Hadoop pipes – design of Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS) – HDFS concepts – Java interface – data flow – Hadoop I/O – data integrity – compression – serialization – Avro – file-based data structures.
MAPREDUCE APPLICATIONS MapReduce workflows – unit tests with MRUnit – test data and local tests – anatomy of MapReduce job run – classic Map-reduce – YARN – failures in classic Map-reduce and YARN – job scheduling – shuffle and sort – task execution – MapReduce types – input formats – output formats
HADOOP RELATED TOOLS Hbase – data model and implementations – Hbase clients – Hbase examples –praxis. Cassandra – Cassandra data model – Cassandra examples – Cassandra clients –Hadoop integration. Pig – Grunt – pig data model – Pig Latin – developing and testing Pig Latin scripts. Hive – data types and file formats – HiveQL data definition – HiveQL data manipulation – HiveQL queries.

Digital Image Processing

CMSADSE05T: Digital Image Processing Lab Theory: 60 Lectures
1. Introduction (6 Lectures)
Light, Brightness adaption and discrimination, Pixels, coordinate conventions, Imaging Geometry, Perspective Projection, Spatial Domain Filtering, sampling and quantization.
2. Spatial Domain Filtering (7 Lectures) Intensity transformations, contrast stretching, histogram equalization, Correlation and convolution, Smoothing filters, sharpening filters, gradient and Laplacian.
3. Filtering in the Frequency domain (8 Lectures) Hotelling Transform, Fourier Transforms and properties, FFT (Decimation in Frequency and Decimation in Time Techniques), Convolution, Correlation, 2-D sampling, Discrete Cosine Transform, Frequency domain filtering.
4. Image Restoration (8 Lectures) Basic Framework, Interactive Restoration, Image deformation and geometric transformations, image morphing, Restoration techniques, Noise characterization, Noise restoration filters,
Adaptive filters, Linear, Position invariant degradations, Estimation of Degradation functions, Restoration from projections.
5. Image Compression (10 Lectures) Encoder-Decoder model, Types of redundancies, Lossy and Lossless compression, Entropy of an information source, Shannon's 1st Theorem, Huffman Coding, Arithmetic Coding, Golomb Coding, LZW coding, Transform Coding, Sub-image size selection, blocking artifacts, DCT implementation using FFT, Run length coding, FAX compression (CCITT Group-3 and Group-4), Symbol-based coding, JBIG-2, Bit-plane encoding, Bit-allocation, Zonal Coding, Threshold Coding, JPEG, Lossless predictive coding, Lossy predictive coding, Motion Compensation
6. Wavelet based Image Compression (5 Lectures) Expansion of functions, Multi-resolution analysis, Scaling functions, MRA refinement equation, Wavelet series expansion, Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), Continuous Wavelet Transform, Fast Wavelet Transform, 2-D wavelet Transform, JPEG-2000 encoding, Digital Image Watermarking.
7. Morphological Image Processing (7 Lectures) Basics, SE, Erosion, Dilation, Opening, Closing, Hit-or-Miss Transform, Boundary Detection, Hole filling, Connected components, convex hull, thinning, thickening, skeletons, pruning, Geodesic Dilation, Erosion, Reconstruction by dilation and erosion.
8. Image Segmentation (9 Lectures) Boundary detection based techniques, Point, line detection, Edge detection, Edge linking, local processing, regional processing, Hough transform, Thresholding, Iterative thresholding, Otsu's method, Moving averages, Multivariable thresholding, Region-based segmentation, Watershed algorithm, Use of motion in segmentation

Programming in Python Planning the Computer Program

CMSSSEC01M: Programming in Python Planning the Computer Program: Concept of problem solving, Problem definition, Programdesign, Debugging, Types of errors in programming, Documentation. (2L)
Techniques ofProblem Solving: Flowcharting, decision table, algorithms, Structured programming concepts,Programming methodologies viz. top-down and bottom-up programming. Overview of Programming : Structure of a Python Program, Elements of Python (2L)
Introduction to Python: Python Interpreter, Using Python as calculator, Python shell, Indentation.Atoms, Identifiers and keywords, Literals, Strings, Operators(Arithmetic operator, Relational operator, Logical or Boolean operator, Assignment, Operator, Ternary operator, Bit wise operator, Increment or Decrement operator). (4L)
Creating Python Programs : Input and Output Statements, Control statements(Branching,Looping, Conditional Statement, Exit function, Difference between break, continue and pass.), Defining Functions, default arguments.

CMSSSEC02M: R-Programming

CMSSSEC02M: R-Programming
(1+2 Labs)
Introduction: Overview and History of R, Getting Help, Data Types, Subsetting, Vectorized
Operations, Reading and Writing Data. (5L) Control Structures, Functions, lapply, tapply, split, mapply, apply, Coding Standards. (5L) Scoping Rules, Debugging Tools, Simulation, R Profiler. (5L)

Software Lab Based on R Programming

Software Lab Based on R Programming

 1. Write a program that prints ‗Hello World‘ to the screen.
 2. Write a program that asks the user for a number n and prints the sum of the numbers 1 to n 
 3. Write a program that prints a multiplication table for numbers up to 12. 
 4. Write a function that returns the largest element in a list. 
 5. Write a function that computes the running total of a list. 
 6. Write a function that tests whether a string is a palindrome. 
 7. Implement the following sorting algorithms: Selection sort, Insertion sort, Bubble Sort 
 8. Implement linear search. 
 9. Implement binary search. 
10. Implement matrices addition, subtraction and Multiplication

Software Lab Based on Python:

Section: A ( Simple programs) 1. Write a menu driven program to convert the given temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa depending upon users choice. 2. WAP to calculate total marks, percentage and grade of a student. Marks obtained in each of the three subjects are to be input by the user. Assign grades according to the following criteria : Grade A: Percentage >=80 Grade B: Percentage>=70 and <80 Grade C: Percentage>=60 and <70 Grade D: Percentage>=40 and <60 Grade E: Percentage<40 3. Write a menu-driven program, using user-defined functions to find the area of rectangle, square, circle and triangle by accepting suitable input paramters from user. 4. WAP to display the first n terms of Fibonacci series. 5. WAP to find factorial of the given number. 6. WAP to find sum of the following series for n terms: 1 – 2/2! + 3/3! - - - - - n/n! 7. WAP to calculate the sum and product of two compatible matrices.
Section: B (Visual Python):
All the programs should be written using user defined functions, wherever possible.
1. Write a menu-driven program to create mathematical 3D objects I. curve
II. sphere III. cone IV. arrow V. ring VI. cylinder. 2. WAP to read n integers and display them as a histogram. 3. WAP to display sine, cosine, polynomial and exponential curves.
4. WAP to plot a graph of people with pulse rate p vs. height h. The values of p and h are to be entered by the user. 5. WAP to calculate the mass m in a chemical reaction. The mass m (in gms) disintegrates according to the formula m=60/(t+2), where t is the time in hours. Sketch a graph for t vs. m, where t>=0. 6. A population of 1000 bacteria is introduced into a nutrient medium. The population p grows as follows: P(t) = (15000(1+t))/(15+ e) where the time t is measured in hours. WAP to determine the size of the population at given time t and plot a graph for P vs t for the specified time interval. 7. Input initial velocity and acceleration, and plot the following graphs depicting equations of motion: I. velocity wrt time (v=u+at) II. distance wrt time ( s=u*t+0.5*a*t*t) III. distance wrt velocity ( s=(v*v-u*u)/2*a ) 8. WAP to show a ball bouncing between 2 walls. (Optional)

Digital Image Processing Lab

Digital Image Processing Lab

1. Write program to read and display digital image using MATLAB or SCILAB a. Become familiar with SCILAB/MATLAB Basic commands b. Read and display image in SCILAB/MATLAB c. Resize given image d. Convert given color image into gray-scale image e. Convert given color/gray-scale image into black & white image f. Draw image profile g. Separate color image in three R G & B planes h. Create color image using R, G and B three separate planes i. Flow control and LOOP in SCILAB j. Write given 2-D data in image file
2. To write and execute image processing programs using point processing method a. Obtain Negative image
b. Obtain Flip image c. Thresholding d. Contrast stretching
3. To write and execute programs for image arithmetic operations a. Addition of two images b. Subtract one image from other image c. Calculate mean value of image d. Different Brightness by changing mean value
4. To write and execute programs for image logical operations a. AND operation between two images b. OR operation between two images c. Calculate intersection of two images d. Water Marking using EX-OR operatione. NOT operation (Negative image)
5. To write a program for histogram calculation and equalization using a. Standard MATLAB function b. Program without using standard MATLAB functions c. C Program
6. To write and execute program for geometric transformation of image a. Translation b. Scaling c. Rotation d. Shrinking e. Zooming
7. To understand various image noise models and to write programs for a. image restoration b. Remove Salt and Pepper Noise c. Minimize Gaussian noise d. Median filter and Weiner filter
8. Write and execute programs to remove noise using spatial filters a. Understand 1-D and 2-D convolution process b. Use 3x3 Mask for low pass filter and high pass filter
9. Write and execute programs for image frequency domain filtering a. Apply FFT on given image b. Perform low pass and high pass filtering in frequency domain c. Apply IFFT to reconstruct image
10. Write a program in C and MATLAB/SCILAB for edge detection using different edge detection mask 11. Write and execute program for image morphological operations erosion and dilation. 12. To write and execute program for wavelet transform on given image and perform inverse wavelet transform to reconstruct image.

Cloud Computing Lab

Cloud Computing Lab 1. Create virtual machines that access different programs on same platform. 2. Create virtual machines that access different programs on different platforms . 3. Working on tools used in cloud computing online- a. Storage b. Sharing of data c. manage your calendar, to-do lists, d. a document editing tool 4. Exploring Google cloud 5. Exploring microsoft cloud 6. Exploring amazon cloud

Microprocessor Lab

Microprocessor Lab

ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING 1. Write a program for 32-bit binary division and multiplication 2. Write a program for 32-bit BCD addition and subtraction 3. Write a program for Linear search and binary search. 4. Write a program to add and subtract two arrays 5. Write a program for binary to ascii conversion 6. Write a program for ascii to binary conversion

Computer Graphics Lab

1. Write a program to implement Bresenham‘s line drawing algorithm. 2. Write a program to implement mid-point circle drawing algorithm. 3. Write a program to clip a line using Cohen and Sutherland line clipping algorithm. 4. Write a program to clip a polygon using Sutherland Hodgeman algorithm. 5. Write a program to apply various 2D transformations on a 2D object (use homogenous coordinates). 6. Write a program to apply various 3D transformations on a 3D object and then apply parallel and perspective projection on it. 7. Write a program to draw Hermite/Bezier curve.

Artificial Intelligence Lab

1Write a prolog program to calculate the sum of two numbers.LINK
2Write a prolog program to find the maximum of two numbers.LINK
3Write a prolog program to calculate the factorial of a given number.LINK
4Write a prolog program to calculate the nth Fibonacci number.LINK
5Write a prolog program, insert_nth(item, n, into_list, result) that asserts that result is the list into_list with item inserted as the n‘th element into every list at all levels.LINK
6Write a Prolog program to remove the Nth item from a list.LINK
7Write a Prolog program, remove-nth(Before, After) that asserts the After list is the Before list with the removal of every n‘th item from every list at all levels.LINK
8Write a Prolog program to implement append for two lists.LINK
9 Write a Prolog program to implement palindrome (List).LINK
10Write a Prolog program to implement max(X,Y,Max) so that Max is the greater of two numbers X and Y.LINK
11Write a Prolog program to implement maxlist(List,Max) so that Max is the greatest number in the list of numbers List.LINK
12Write a Prolog program to implement sumlist(List,Sum) so that Sum is the sum of a given list of numbers List.LINK
13Write a Prolog program to implement two predicates evenlength(List) and oddlength(List) so that they are true if their argument is a list of even or odd length respectively.LINK
14 Write a Prolog program to implement reverse(List,ReversedList) that reverses lists.LINK
15Write a Prolog program to implement maxlist(List,Max) so that Max is the greatest number in the list of numbers List using cut predicate.LINK
16Write a Prolog program to implement GCD of two numbers.LINK
17 Write a prolog program that implements Semantic Networks/Frame Structures.

Internet Technologies

Internet Technologies

Create event driven program for following: 1. Print a table of numbers from 5 to 15 and their squares and cubes using alert. 2. Print the largest of three numbers. 3. Find the factorial of a number n. 4. Enter a list of positive numbers terminated by Zero. Find the sum and average of these numbers. 5. A person deposits Rs 1000 in a fixed account yielding 5% interest. Compute the amount in the account at the end of each year for n years. 6. Read n numbers. Count the number of negative numbers, positive numbers and zeros in the list.

Database Management SystemsLab

Database Management SystemsLab

Query List 1. Query to display Employee Name, Job, Hire Date, Employee Number; for each employee with the Employee Number appearing first. 2. Query to display unique Jobs from the Employee Table.
3. Query to display the Employee Name concatenated by a Job separated by a comma. 4. Query to display all the data from the Employee Table. Separate each Column by a comma and name the said column as THE_OUTPUT. 5. Query to display the Employee Name and Salary of all the employees earning more than $2850. 6. Query to display Employee Name and Department Number for the Employee No= 7900. 7. Query to display Employee Name and Salary for all employees whose salary is not in the range of $1500 and $2850. 8. Query to display Employee Name and Department No. of all the employees in Dept 10 and Dept 30 in the alphabetical order by name. 9. Query to display Name and Hire Date of every Employee who was hired in 1981. 10. Query to display Name and Job of all employees who don‘t have a current Manager. 11. Query to display the Name, Salary and Commission for all the employees who earn commission. 12. Sort the data in descending order of Salary and Commission. 13. Query to display Name of all the employees where the third letter of their name is ‗A‘. 14. Query to display Name of all employees either have two ‗R‘s or have two ‗A‘s in their name and are either in Dept No = 30 or their Manger‘s Employee No = 7788. 15. Query to display Name, Salary and Commission for all employees whose Commission Amount is 14 greater than their Salary increased by 5%. 16. Query to display the Current Date. 17. Query to display Name, Hire Date and Salary Review Date which is the 1st Monday after six months of employment. 18. Query to display Name and calculate the number of months between today and the date each employee was hired. 19. Query to display the following for each employee <E-Name> earns < Salary> monthly but wants < 3 * Current Salary >. Label the Column as Dream Salary. 20. Query to display Name with the 1st letter capitalized and all other letter lower case and length of their name of all the employees whose name starts with ‗J‘, ‘A‘ and ‗M‘. 21. Query to display Name, Hire Date and Day of the week on which the employee started. 22. Query to display Name, Department Name and Department No for all the employees. 23. Query to display Unique Listing of all Jobs that are in Department # 30. 24. Query to display Name, Dept Name of all employees who have an ‗A‘ in their name. 25. Query to display Name, Job, Department No. And Department Name for all the employees working at the Dallas location. 26. Query to display Name and Employee no. Along with their Manger‘s Name and the Manager‘s employee no; along with the Employees‘ Name who do not have a Manager. 27. Query to display Name, Dept No. And Salary of any employee whose department No. and salary matches both the department no. And the salary of any employee who earns a commission. 28. Query to display Name and Salaries represented by asterisks, where each asterisk (*) signifies $100. 29. Query to display the Highest, Lowest, Sum and Average Salaries of all the employees 30. Query to display the number of employees performing the same Job type functions. 31. Query to display the no. of managers without listing their names. 32. Query to display the Department Name, Location Name, No. of Employees and the average salary for all employees in that department. 33. Query to display Name and Hire Date for all employees in the same dept. as Blake. 34. Query to display the Employee No. And Name for all employees who earn more than the average salary. 35. Query to display Employee Number and Name for all employees who work in a department with any employee whose name contains a ‗T‘. 36. Query to display the names and salaries of all employees who report to King.
37. Query to display the department no, name and job for all employees in the Sales department.

Software Engineering Lab

Sample Projects: 1. Criminal Record Management: Implement a criminal record management system forjailers, police officers and CBI officers 2. DTC Route Information: Online information about the bus routes and their frequency andfares 3. Car Pooling: To maintain a web based intranet application that enables the corporateemployees within an organization to avail the facility of carpooling effectively. 4. Patient Appointment and Prescription Management System 5. Organized Retail Shopping Management Software 6. Online Hotel Reservation Service System 7. Examination and Result computation system 8. Automatic Internal Assessment System 9. Parking Allocation System 10. Wholesale Management System

Design and Analysis of Algorithms Lab


 i. Implement Insertion Sort : 
    a )THEORY -   VIDEO LINK    b ) C CODE -- CLICK
 (The program should report the number of comparisons) 

 ii.Implement Merge Sort:
                                                                                        RECURSIVE MERGE SORT
(The program should report the number of comparisons) 

2. Implement Heap Sort :
    a) THEORY - VIDEO LINK      b) C++ CODE - CLICK
(The program should report the number of comparisons) 

3. Implement Randomized Quick sort :
   a) THEORY - VIDEO LINK        b) C++ CODE - CLICK
(The program should report the number of comparisons) 

4. Implement Radix Sort:  
   a) THEORY - VIDEO LINK        b)  C++ CODE -CLICK
5. Create a Red-Black Tree and perform following operations on it:
 i. Insert a node  ii. Delete a node  iii. Search for a number & also report the color of the node containing this number. 

6. Write a program to determine the LCS of two given sequences :
a) THEORY -         b)  C++ CODE - CLICK

7. Implement Breadth-First Search in a graph : 

8. Implement Depth-First Search in a graph :

9. Write a program to determine the minimum spanning tree of a graph : 
b)  C++ CODE   prims in c++ click  kruskal in c
For the algorithms at S.No 1 to 3 test run the algorithm on 100 different inputs of sizes varying from 30 to 1000. Count the number of comparisons and draw the graph. Compare it with a graph of nlogn.

Computer Networks Lab

1. Simulate Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) error detection algorithm for noisy channel. 2. Simulate and implement stop and wait protocol for noisy channel. 3. Simulate and implement go back n sliding window protocol. 4. Simulate and implement selective repeat sliding window protocol. 5. Simulate and implement distance vector routing algorithm 6. Simulate and implement Dijkstra algorithm for shortest path routing.

Operating Systems Lab

CMSACOR06P: Operating Systems Lab Practical: 60 Lectures
C/ C++ programs 1. WRITE A PROGRAM (using fork() and/or exec() commands) where parent and child execute: a. same program, same code. b. same program, different code. c. before terminating, the parent waits for the child to finish its task. 2. WRITE A PROGRAM to report behaviour of Linux kernel including kernel version, CPU type and model. (CPU information) 3. WRITE A PROGRAM to report behaviour of Linux kernel including information on configured memory, amount of free and used memory. (memory information) 4. WRITE A PROGRAM to print file details including owner access permissions, file access time, where file name is given as argument. 5. WRITE A PROGRAM to copy files using system calls. 6. Write program to implement FCFS scheduling algorithm. 7. Write program to implement Round Robin scheduling algorithm. 8. Write program to implement SJF scheduling algorithm. 9. Write program to implement non-preemptive priority based scheduling algorithm. 10. Write program to implement preemptive priority based scheduling algorithm. 11. Write program to implement SRJF scheduling algorithm. 12. Write program to calculate sum of n numbers using thread library. 13. Write a program to implement first-fit, best-fit and worst-fit allocation strategies.


CMSACOR05P: Data Structures Lab Practical: 60 Lectures 

1. Write a program to search an element from a list. Give user the option to perform Linear or Binary search. Use Template functions. 

2. WAP using templates to sort a list of elements. Give user the option to perform sorting using Insertion sort, Bubble sort or Selection sort. 

3. Implement Linked List using templates. Include functions for insertion, deletion and search of a number, reverse the list and concatenate two linked lists (include a function and also overload operator +). CLICK HERE

 4. Implement Doubly Linked List using templates. Include functions for insertion, deletion and search of a number, reverse the list.  CLICK HERE

5. Implement Circular Linked List using templates. Include functions for insertion, deletion and search of a number, reverse the list. CLICK HERE

6. Perform Stack operations using Linked List implementation.  CLICK HERE

7. Perform Stack operations using Array implementation. Use Templates.

8. Perform Queues operations using Circular Array implementation. Use Templates. 

9. Create and perform different operations on Double-ended Queues using Linked List implementation.CLICK HERE

 10. WAP to scan a polynomial using linked list and add two polynomial. CLICK HERE

11. WAP to calculate factorial and to compute the factors of a given no. (i)using recursion, (ii) using iteration CLICK HERE

12. (ii) WAP to display Fibonacci series (i)using recursion, (ii) using iteration  CLICK HERE

 13. WAP to calculate GCD of 2 number (i) with recursion (ii) without recursion  CLICK HERE
 14. WAP to create a Binary Search Tree and include following operations in tree:
 i. Insertion (Recursive and Iterative Implementation) 
ii. Deletion by copying
 iii. Deletion by Merging
 iv. Search a no. in BST 
v. Display its preorder, postorder and inorder traversals Recursively
 vi. Display its preorder, postorder and inorder traversals Iteratively 
vii. Display its level-by-level traversals 
viii. Count the non-leaf nodes and leaf nodes
 ix. Display height of tree
 x. Create a mirror image of tree xi. Check whether two BSTs are equal or not 

15. WAP to convert the Sparse Matrix into non-zero form and vice-versa. 

16. WAP to reverse the order of the elements in the stack using additional stack. CLICK

17. WAP to reverse the order of the elements in the stack using additional Queue.  CLICK

18. WAP to implement Diagonal Matrix using one-dimensional array. CLICK

19. WAP to implement Lower Triangular Matrix using one-dimensional array. 

20. WAP to implement Upper Triangular Matrix using one-dimensional array. 

21. WAP to implement Symmetric Matrix using one-dimensional array.

22. WAP to create a Threaded Binary Tree as per inorder traversal, and implement operations like finding the successor / predecessor of an element, insert an element, inorder traversal.

 23. WAP to implement various operations on AVL Tree.

cbcs computer organization practical assignment

cbcs c practical assignment

 cbcs c practical assignment

1. WAP to print the sum and product of digits of an integer.CLICK HERE
2. WAP to reverse a number.CLICK HERE
3. WAP to compute the sum of the first n terms of the following series S = 1+1/2+1/3+1/4+……CLICK HERE
4. WAP to compute the sum of the first n terms of the following series S =1-2+3-4+5…………….CLICK HERE
5. Write a function that checks whether a given string is Palindrome or not. Use this function to find whether the string entered by user is Palindrome or not.CLICK HERE     
6. Write a function to find whether a given no. is prime or not. Use the same to generate the prime numbers less than 100.CLICK HERE
7. WAP to compute the factors of a given number.CLICK HERE
8. Write a macro that swaps two numbers. WAP to use it.CLICK HERE
9. WAP to print a triangle of stars as follows (take number of lines from user):
10. WAP to perform following actions on an array entered by the user:
 i.Print the even-valued elements
 ii.Print the odd-valued elements
 iii.Calculate and print the sum and average of the elements of array
 iv.Print the maximum and minimum element of array v.Remove the duplicates from the array vi.Print the array in reverse order
The program should present a menu to the user and ask for one of the options. The menu should also include options to re-enter array and to quit the program.
12. Write a program that swaps two numbers using pointers.
13. Write a program in which a function is passed address of two variables and then alter its contents.
14. Write a program which takes the radius of a circle as input from the user, passes it to another function that computes the area and the circumference of the circle and displays the value of area and circumference from the main() function.CLICK HERE
15. Write a program to find sum of n elements entered by the user. To write this program, allocate memory dynamically using malloc() / calloc() functions or new operator.CLICK HERE
16. Write a menu driven program to perform following operations on strings:
a) Show address of each character in string
b) Concatenate two strings without using strcat function
c) Concatenate two strings using strcat function.
d) Compare two strings
e) Calculate length of the string (use pointers)
f) Convert all lowercase characters to uppercase
g) Convert all uppercase characters to lowercase
 h) Calculate number of vowels i) Reverse the string
17. Given two ordered arrays of integers, write a program to merge the two-arrays to get an ordered array. CLICK HERE
18. WAP to display Fibonacci series (i)using recursion, (ii) using iteration
19. WAP to calculate Factorial of a number (i)using recursion, (ii) using iteration
20. WAP to calculate GCD of two numbers (i) with recursion (ii) without recursion.
21. Create Matrix class using templates. Write a menu-driven program to perform following Matrixoperations (2-D array implementation): a) Sum b) Difference c) Product d) Transpose
22. Create the Person class. Create some objects of this class (by taking information from the user). Inherit the class Person to create two classes Teacher and Student class. Maintain the respective information in the classes and create, display and delete objects of these two classes (Use Runtime Polymorphism).
23. Create a class Triangle. Include overloaded functions for calculating area. Overload assignment operator and equality operator.
24. Create a class Box containing length, breath and height. Include following methods in it:
 ) Calculate surface Area              
b) Calculate Volume              
c) Increment, Overload ++ operator (both prefix & postfix)              
d) Decrement, Overload -- operator (both prefix & postfix)              
e) Overload operator == (to check equality of two boxes), as a friend function              
f) Overload Assignment operator              
g) Check if it is a Cube or cuboid Write a program which takes input from the user for                             length, breath and height to test the above class.
25. Create a structure Student containing fields for Roll No., Name, Class, Year and Total Marks. Create 10 students and store them in a file.
26. Write a program to retrieve the student information from file created in previous question and print it in following format: Roll No. Name Marks
27. Copy the contents of one text file to another file, after removing all whitespaces
28. Write a function that reverses the elements of an array in place. The function must accept only one pointer value and return void.
29. Write a program that will read 10 integers from user and store them in an array. Implement array using pointers. The program will print the array elements in ascending and descending order.