Sunday, November 29, 2020

CMS-A-CC-4-8-P: Computer Networking and Web Design Lab Core Course- 8: Practical, Credit: 02, Contact hour: 40.

 Computer Networks: Practical

Familiarization with Networking cables (CAT5, CAT6, UTP), Connectors (RJ-45, Tconnector),

Hubs, Switches, LAN installation & configuration (peer-to-peer) process.

05 hours

Web Design: Practical

Web page design by HTML

Handling HTML form


Capturing Form Data, GET and POST form methods, Dealing with multi value fields

Redirecting a form after submission.

20 hours


Anatomy of an Array ,Creating index based and Associative array, Accessing array

Looping with Index based array, with associative array using each() and for each()

Some useful Library function.

CMS-A-CC-4-8-TH: Data Communication, Networking and Internet Technology. Core Course- 8: Theory, Credit: 04, Contact hours: 60.

 Overview of Data Communication and Networking


Data communications Components, data representation, direction of data flow (simplex, half

duplex, full duplex).

Network Hardware: Physical structure (type of connection, topology), categories of

network (LAN, MAN, WAN).

Internet: Brief history, Protocols and standards, Reference models: OSI reference model,

properties of all the layers, TCP/IP reference model, their comparative study.


Physical Layer

Data & Signals: Analog & Digital Data and Signals, periodic and non-periodic signals,

composite signals, bandwidth, bit rate, transmission of digital signals.

Transmission Impairments: Attenuation, Distortion and Noise.

Data Rate Limits: Noiseless Channel: Nyquist Data rate, Noisy Channel: Shannon’s

Capacity, calculation of data rate using both limits.

Digital Transmission

Digital to Digital Conversion: Line coding, schemes (RZ, NRZ, Manchester, Differential

Manchester), block coding.

Analog to Digital Conversion: Sampling, Nyquist rate of sampling, Pulse code modulation

(PCM), Delta Modulation (DM), Adaptive Delta Modulation (ADM), parallel and serial


Analog Transmission

Digital to Analog: Amplitude shift keying (ASK), Frequency Shift Keying (FSK), Phase

Shift Keying (PSK), Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM).

Analog to Analog Conversion:

Amplitude Modulation (AM), Frequency Modulation (FM), Phase Modulation.


Bandwidth Utilization Techniques

Multiplexing: FDM, Synchronous & Statistical TDM, WDM.


Transmission Medium

Guided media: Twisted pair, Coaxial, Fiber optics.

Unguided: Radio waves, microwaves, Infrared, Antenna, Communication satellites

(qualitative study only).


Switching and Telephone network

Circuit switched networks, Packet Switched networks, Virtual Circuit switch.

Major components of telephone network, Dial up modem, DSL and ADSL modems, Cable

TV for data transfer (qualitative study only)


Data link Layer:

Types of errors, framing (character and bit stuffing), error detection & correction methods,

Linear and cyclic codes, checksum.

Protocols: Stop & wait ARQ, Go-Back- N ARQ, Selective repeat ARQ, HDLC (qualitative

study only).

Physical addressing: MAC address and its format.


Medium Access sub layer

Point to Point Protocol, Token Ring: Reservation, Polling. Multiple access protocols: Pure


Channelization: FDMA, TDMA, CDMA (Qualitative study only).

Wired and Wireless LAN: Standards, fast Ethernet, Protocol 802.11, Bluetooth.


Network layer

Internetworking & devices: Repeaters, Hubs, Bridges, Switches, Router, Gateway,

Addressing: IP addressing, Subnetting, Routing techniques: static vs. dynamic routing ,

Protocols: RARP, ARP, IP, ICMP

11 hours

Transport layer

Process to Process delivery: UDP, TCP

03 hours

Application Layer

Introduction to DNS, Remote logging, FTP, Electronic mail, WWW & HTTP

CMS-A-SEC-A-3-2-TH: Internet of Things (IoT) Skill Enhancement Course: SEC-A: Choice -2, Theory, Credit:02, Contact hours: 40.

 Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT)

Defining IoT, Characteristics of IoT, Physical design of IoT, Functional blocks of IoT,

Communication models & APIs.

04 hours

IoT and M2M

Difference between IoT and M2M, Software defined Network, network function

virtualization (NFV), difference between SDN and NFV.

04 hours

Network & Communication aspects

Wireless medium access issues, MAC protocol survey, Survey routing protocols,

Sensor deployment & Node discovery, Edge connectivity and protocols, Fog/Gateway

Devices for Data aggregation and dissemination, Security challenges.

08 hours

IoT Physical Servers and Cloud Offerings

Introduction to Cloud Storage models and communication APIs Web Server – Web Server

for IoT, Cloud for IoT, Python web application framework.

05 hours

Developing IoTs

Introduction to Python, Introduction to different IoT tools, Developing applications

through IoT tools, Developing sensor based application through embedded system platform,

Implementing IoT concepts with python.

08 hours

IoT Physical Devices and Endpoints Introduction to Raspberry PI-Interfaces (serial, SPI,

I2C) Programming – Python program with Raspberry PI with focus of interfacing external


04 hours

IoT Analytics

Signal processing, real-time and local analytics, Databases, cloud analytics and applications.

04 hours

Domain specific applications of IoT

Home automation, Industry applications, Surveillance applications.

CMS-A-SEC-A-3-1-TH: Computer Graphics Skill Enhancement Course: SEC-A: Choice -1: Theory, Credit:02, Contact hours: 40.


Basic concepts of Graphics Devices– CRT monitor, Monochrome and Color Monitor

displaying technique only, Physical and logical units of graphics devices – Pixel and its

different properties, Basic idea for image or picture formation using pixels – Raster Scan and

Vector Scan.

05 hours

Basic geometrical shapes formation algorithms

Concepts Co-ordinate System, Line Segment, Digital Differential Analyzer, Circle and arc

segment, elliptic segment, Bresenham’s and Midpoint scan conversion algorithms.

05 hours

Two and Three Dimensional Transformations

Transformations operations - Translation, Rotation, Scaling. Reflection, Shearing and Inverse

of these operations, Homogeneous coordinate system representation, matrix representation.

Composite Transformations Operations – Basic ideas and matrix representations by matrix

concatenation for a particular operation.

14 hours

Two Dimensional Clipping

View port, window port, display device, Point Clipping, Line Clipping, Cohen-Sutherland

line clipping algorithm, Sutherland Hudgeman polygon clipping algorithm

08 hours


Basic Concept of Projection operation and its application, Classification – Perspective,

Parallel and its subclasses, Principles of these projections (Geometric representation only, no

Mathematical Foundation and algorithms)

06 hours


Basic Concepts Computer Art, Animation – Animating and modeling of real world,

Morphing – Classification of morphing and Application to the Advertisements and


CMS-A-CC-3-7-P: Operating Systems Lab. Core Course- 7: Practical, Credit: 02, Contact hours: 40. Shell programming in LINUX

 1. Write a shell script to convert the content of a file from lower case to upper case.

2. Write a shell script to count the words, lines and characters of a given file. File name should be

provided at run time.

3. Write a shell script that take a word from user and find out the frequency of the word in a given


4. Write a shell script that gets executed at the moment of user login and it displays Good Morning,

Good afternoon, Good Evening, Good Night, depending upon the time at which the user logs on.

5. Write a shell script to print Pascal diamond.

6. Write a shell script to find a number using sequential search method.

7. Write a shell script to find a number using binary search technique.

8. Write a shell script to sort a set of integer numbers using bubble sort.

9. Write a shell script to find out the factorial of a given number.

10. Write a shell script to reverse a string and check whether it is a palindrome.

11. Write a shell script to find the roots of a quadratic equation ax2 + bx +c = 0, considering all

possible cases.

12. Write a shell script for menu based system to insert records for employees with employee ID,

name, designation, salary in a data file, also display records when necessary. Display salary for

the employee asked.

CMS-A-CC-3-7-TH: Operating Systems Core Course- 7: Theory, Credit: 04, Contact hours: 60.


Basic OS functions, types of operating systems- batch processing, multiprogramming, time

sharing, multiprocessing, distributed and real time systems.

6 hours

Operating System Organization

Processor and user modes, kernels, system calls and system programs.

6 hours


System view of the process and resources, process control block, I/O and CPU bound

process, process hierarchy, concept of threads

Process Scheduling: Preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling, Long term scheduling,

short term/CPU scheduling (FCFS, SJF, SRJF, RR and priority) and medium term


Process Synchronization: Concurrent processes, critical section, semaphores and

application, methods for inter-process communication;

18 hours


Definition, Prevention, Avoidance, Detection, Recovery.

9 hours

Memory Management

Physical and logical address space; memory allocation strategies – fixed and variable

partitions, paging, segmentation, virtual memory

14 hours

File and I/O Management

Directory structure, file operations, file allocation methods, disk management.

5 hours

Protection and Security

Policy mechanism, Authentication

CMS-A-CC-3-6-P: Computational Mathematics Lab. Core Course- 6: Practical, Credits:02, Contact hours: 40.

 Lab. based on Numerical Methods using C.

CMS-A-CC-3-6-TH: Computational Mathematics Core Course- 6: Theory, Credits: 04, Contact hours: 60.


Set Theory: Finite and Infinite Sets, Uncountable Infinite Sets, Relations: Properties of

Binary Relations, Closure, Partial Ordering Relations, Equivalence, Functions: definition,

one-to-one, onto and invertible, Mathematical Functions: Exponential and Logarithmic,

Counting: Mathematical Induction, Pigeonhole Principle, Permutation and Combination,

Binomial Theorem, Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion.

10 hours

Introduction to Probability

Elementary events, Sample space, Classical and Axiomatic definition of Probability,

Theorems on Total Probability, Conditional Probability, Bernoulli Trials and Binomial

Distribution, Bayes’ Theorem, Random Variables, Expectation, Variance, Standard


10 hours

Growth of Functions

Asymptotic Notations, Standard notations and common functions with simple examples.

04 hours


Relations, Generating Functions, Linear Recurrence Relations with Constant Coefficients

and their solution, Substitution Method, Recurrence Trees.

06 hours

Numerical Methods (Algorithmic Approach)

Errors: Approximate and Rounding of Numbers, Significant digits, Errors and their types,

Propagation of errors.

Interpolation: Newton Forward and Backward interpolation, Lagrange interpolation.

Solving a Set of Linear Equations: Gaussian Elimination, Gauss–Jordan, Iteration methods

a n d t h ei r convergence conditions, Gauss-Seidel, Gauss-Jacobi Iterative Methods.

Solving Non-linear equations: Bisection, Regula-falsi, Secant and Newton-Raphson, their

order of convergence.

Solving Differential Equations: Euler, Runge-Kutta second and fourth order methods.

Numerical Integration:

Trapezoidal and Simpson’s 1/3rd rules.

Curve fitting :

Least square approximation, Linear regression, Polynomial regression, Fitting Exponential

and Trigonometric functions.

Graph Theory

Basic Terminology, Models and Types, Multi graphs and Weighted graphs, Graph

Representation, Graph Isomorphism, Connectivity, Euler and Hamiltonian Paths and

Circuits, Planar Graphs, Trees and their basic terminologies and properties.

CMS-A-CC-3-5-P: Computer Organization Lab. Core Course-5, Practical, Credits: 02, Contact hours:40.

 (1). Construct an Arithmetic Unit capable of performing 4-bit subtraction and Addition using 2's

complement method. Use Parallel Adders and other necessary logic gates.

(2). Construct a logical unit using logic gates capable of performing 4-bit, Bitwise ORing, ANDing,

XORing and inversion.

(3). Construct a 4-bit ALU unit which can perform the following operation;

Selection Function

S1 S0

0 0 Addition

0 1 Subtraction

1 0 XOR-ing

1 1 Complement

(4). Construct a 2-bit Carry Look Ahead Adder using logic gates.

(5). Study and Construct a 1-digit BCD/Decimal adder using parallel adders and other necessary logic


(6). Construct a Binary Multiplier using basic logic gates.

(7). Construct a Binary Divider using basic logic gates.

(8). Subtraction with 1's complement method using parallel adders and other necessary logic gates.

(9). Construction of BCD Subtractor with 9'S complement method using parallel adders and logic gates.

(10). Construction of BCD Subtractor with 10'S complement method using parallel adders and logic


(11). Binary magnitude comparators (up to 4 bits) using parallel adder and logic gates.

(12). Construct a Binary 4-bit and 8-bit adder using logic gates.

(13). Construct a Serial in Serial out 4-bit register.

(14). Construct a 4-bit Universal Shift register.

(15). Construct a 4 bit ring counter.

(16). Construct a 4 - bit Johnson Counter.

(17) Construct RAM (4-bit) and extend it

(18). Horizontal and Vertical Cascading of Memory modules.

(19). Code converters using memory modules.

CMS-A-CC-3-5-TH: Computer Organization and Architecture Core Course- 5: Theory, Credits:04, Contact hours: 60.

 Basic Structure of Computers (Qualitative Discussion)

Computer Types, Basic Functional Units, Basic Operational Concept, Bus Structure,

Software, Performance, Multiprocessor and Multicomputer, IAS Computer, Historical


05 hours

Register Transfer and Micro-operation

Register Transfer Language, Register Transfer, Bus and Memory Transfers, Three State Bus

Buffers, memory Transfer, Arithmetic and Logical micro-operations, Shift and Arithmetic


05 hours

Basic Computer Organization and Design

Instruction Codes, Stored Program Organization, Indirect Address, Computer Registers,

Common Bus System, Computer Instruction, Timing and Control, Instruction Cycle, fetch

Decode, Register Reference Instructions, Memory Reference Instruction, Input-Output and

Interrupt, Design of Basic Computer, Design of Accumulator Logic.

05 hours

CPU Organization

Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)- Combinational ALU, 2'S Complement Addition,

Subtraction Unit, Booths Algorithm for Multiplication, Division Hardware using Restoration

Division Algorithm.

General register organization, Control Word, Accumulator Based, Register Based, Stack

Type CPU organization.

06 hours

Control Unit

Hardwired Control Unit, Micro-programmed Control Unit: Control memory, Address

Sequencing, conditional branching, mapping of instructions, subroutine, Design of Control


07 hours

CPU Registers

Program Counter, Stack Pointer Register, Memory Address Register, Instruction Register,

Memory Buffer Register, Flag registers, Temporary Registers.

06 hours


Operational Code, Operands, Zero, One, Two and Three Address Instruction, Instruction

Types, Addressing modes, Data Transfer and Manipulation instructions, Program control


CISC and RISC processors

Introduction, relative merits and De-merits.

03 hours

Computer Peripherals

VDU, Keyboard, Mouse, Printer, Scanner (Qualitative approach).

08 hours

Input / Output Organization

Polling, Interrupts, subroutines, Memory mapped IO, IO mapped IO, DMA, I/O Bus and

Protocol, SCSI, PCI, USB, Bus Arbitration.

02 hours


Primary memory: ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, Flash memory, RAM: SRAM,

DRAM, Asynchronous DRAMs, Synchronous DRAMs, Structure of Larger Memories,

RAMBUS Memory, Cache Memory: Mapping Functions, Replacement Algorithms,

interleaving, Hit and Rate penalty, Virtual memories, Address Translation, Memory

Management requirements, Secondary Storage: Magnetic Hard Disks, Optical Disks,

Magnetic Tape Systems.