Operating System Question Set
1. File attributes, File operations.
Operating System Question Set
1. File attributes, File operations.
Operating System Question Set
1. code of producer consumer process.
2. race condition, critical section , starvation.Operating System Question Set
1. Address binding.
2. Base register and limit register.Operating System Question Set
1. What is Process?
2. Describe the structure of process in memory.Operating System Question Set
1. definition.
2. single threaded and multi-threaded process.Operating System Question Set
1. Differentiate between tightly coupled systems and loosely coupled systems.
2. Define OS
3. What are the differences between Batch OS and Multiprogramming?Gaonkar Chapter 10
1. Packed BCD and unpacked BCD
2. BCD to binary,binary to BCD
3. Binary to ASCII and ASCII to bianry.
4. BCD addition and BCD subraction.
5. DAA simulation.
Gaonkar Chapter 9
1. What is stack?
2. What is subroutine?
3. How PUSH and POP instructions are executed?show the steps.
4. Timing diagram of PUSH, POP.
5. What is subroutine?
6. How CALL and RET instructions are executed?show the steps.
7. Timing diagram of CALL, RET.
8. How parameters are passed in subroutine?
9. Restart insrucions.
10. Conditional call.
11. Nesting of subroutine.
12. comparison of instruction CALL,PUSH,POP,RET.
Gaonkar Chapter 8
1. what is time delay?
2. Delay using single register
3. Delay usng register pair
4. Delay using loop within loop
5. Design a 1 second delay