Wednesday, January 6, 2021


 Operating System Question Set 


1. What is Process?

2. Describe the structure of process in memory.
3. Show the diagram of process state.
4. What is Process Control Block?
5. Define CPU scheduling.
6. What are the various process scheduling concepts?
7. What is preemptive and non preemptive scheduling?
8. What is a Dispatcher?
9. What is dispatch latency?
10. What are the various scheduling criteria for CPU scheduling?
11. Define throughput.
12. What is turnaround time?
13.What is the objective of process scheduler?
14. Define job queue,ready queue.
15, Draw he queuing diagram of process.
16. Explain the term scheduler,short term scheduler,medium term scheduler,long term scheduler.
17. What do you mean by degree of multi programming?How it is related to scheduler?
18. What do you mean by I/O bound process and CPU bound process?
19. convoy effect, aging.

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