Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Memory management.

 Operating System Question Set 


1. Address binding.

2. Base register and limit register.
3. memory protection.
4. Compile time, load time, execution time.
5. logical address, physical address.
6. dynamic loading.
7.  static linking and dynamic lining.
8. Swapping.
9. First fit, best fit, worst fit.
10. internal fragmentation, external fragmentation, 50-percent rule.
11. Paging, TLB.
12. Re-entrant code.
13. Hierarchical paging.
14. inverted page table
15. segmentation,  segmentation with paging .
16. virtual memory, demand paging.
17. Page replacement technique.
18. thrashing.
19. Working set model.
20. Buddy system.

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