Wednesday, January 6, 2021

File system:

 Operating System Question Set 


1. File attributes, File operations.

2. Aceess method.
3. Single level directory, two level directory.
4. Absolute path, relative path.
5. link
6. mount point
7. read write permission.
8. Contiguous alloaction, linked alloacation, indexed alloacation, 
9. Inode.

Disk Scheduling:

 Operating System Question Set 




Process synchronisation:

Operating System Question Set 

 1. code of producer consumer process.

2. race condition, critical section , starvation.
3. Peterson's solution.
4. semaphore - counting semaphore, binary semaphore.
5. spinlock.
6. bounded buffer problem.
7. Reader writer problem.
8. Dining philosopher problem.
9.  Producer consumer process using semaphore.
10. Monitor.
11. Bounded buffer problem using semaphore.
12. Dining philosopher problem using semaphore.
13.  Reader writer problem using semaphore.

Memory management.

 Operating System Question Set 


1. Address binding.

2. Base register and limit register.
3. memory protection.
4. Compile time, load time, execution time.
5. logical address, physical address.
6. dynamic loading.
7.  static linking and dynamic lining.
8. Swapping.
9. First fit, best fit, worst fit.
10. internal fragmentation, external fragmentation, 50-percent rule.
11. Paging, TLB.
12. Re-entrant code.
13. Hierarchical paging.
14. inverted page table
15. segmentation,  segmentation with paging .
16. virtual memory, demand paging.
17. Page replacement technique.
18. thrashing.
19. Working set model.
20. Buddy system.


 Operating System Question Set 


1. What is Process?

2. Describe the structure of process in memory.
3. Show the diagram of process state.
4. What is Process Control Block?
5. Define CPU scheduling.
6. What are the various process scheduling concepts?
7. What is preemptive and non preemptive scheduling?
8. What is a Dispatcher?
9. What is dispatch latency?
10. What are the various scheduling criteria for CPU scheduling?
11. Define throughput.
12. What is turnaround time?
13.What is the objective of process scheduler?
14. Define job queue,ready queue.
15, Draw he queuing diagram of process.
16. Explain the term scheduler,short term scheduler,medium term scheduler,long term scheduler.
17. What do you mean by degree of multi programming?How it is related to scheduler?
18. What do you mean by I/O bound process and CPU bound process?
19. convoy effect, aging.


 Operating System Question Set 


1. definition.

2. single threaded and multi-threaded process.
3. synchronisation of thread.


 Operating System Question Set 


1. Differentiate between tightly coupled systems and loosely coupled systems.

2. Define OS

3. What are the differences between Batch OS and Multiprogramming?
4. What are the differences between Multitasking and Multiprogramming?
5. What is Clustered System?
6. What is Real Time System? List out their types.
7. What is the kernel?
8. What are the three main purposes of an operating system?
9. What are batch systems?
10. What do you mean by system calls?
11. Explain the various types of computer systems.
12. Explain how protection is provided for the hardware resources by the operating system.
13. What are the system components of an operating system and explain them?
14. What is mainframe computer?
15. What is workstations?
16. What is server?
17. What is bootstrap program?
18. What is firmware?
19. What is  symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) and asymmetric multiprocessing?
20. What is hot-standby mode?
21. What is response time
22. What is interactive (or hands-on) computer system
23. What is Time sharing (or multitasking)
24. What is Real-Time Embedded Systems
25. What is Handheld systems
26. What is Client-Server Computing
27. What is peer-to-peer (P2P) system

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

8085 Microprocessor sample question set Gaonkar Chapter 10

 Gaonkar Chapter  10

1. Packed BCD and unpacked BCD

2. BCD to binary,binary to BCD

3. Binary to ASCII and ASCII to bianry.

4. BCD addition and BCD subraction.

5. DAA simulation.

8085 Microprocessor sample question set Gaonkar Chapter 9

 Gaonkar Chapter  9

1. What is stack?

2. What is subroutine?

3. How PUSH and POP instructions are executed?show the steps.

4. Timing diagram of PUSH, POP.

5. What is subroutine?

6. How CALL and RET instructions are executed?show the steps.

7. Timing diagram of CALL, RET.

8. How parameters are passed in subroutine?

9. Restart insrucions.

10. Conditional call.

11. Nesting of subroutine.

12. comparison of instruction  CALL,PUSH,POP,RET.

8085 Microprocessor sample question set Gaonkar Chapter 8

 Gaonkar Chapter  8

1. what is time delay?

2. Delay using single register

3. Delay usng register pair

4. Delay using loop within loop

5. Design a 1 second delay