Concept of OOPs
Difference with procedure oriented programming, Data abstraction and information hiding:
Objects, Classes, methods.
Introduction to Java
Java Architecture and Features, Understanding the semantic and syntax differences
between C++ and Java, Compiling and Executing a Java Program, Variables, Constants,
Keywords Data Types, Operators (Arithmetic, Logical and Bitwise) and Expressions,
Comments, Doing Basic Program Output, Decision Making Constructs (conditional
statements and loops) and Nesting, Java Methods (Defining, Scope, Passing and Returning
Arguments, Type Conversion and Type and Checking, Built-in Java Class Methods).
Arrays, Strings and I/O
Creating & Using Arrays (One Dimension and Multi-dimensional), Referencing Arrays
Dynamically, Java Strings: The Java String class, Creating & Using String Objects,
Manipulating Strings, String Immutability & Equality, Passing Strings To & From
Methods, String Buffer Classes. Simple I/O using System.out and the Scanner class, Byte
and Character streams, Reading/Writing from console and files.
Object-Oriented Programming Overview
Principles of Object-Oriented Programming, Defining & Using Classes, Controlling
Access to Class Members, Class Constructors, Method Overloading, Class Variables &
Methods, Objects as parameters, final classes, Object class, Garbage Collection.
Inheritance, Interfaces, Packages, Enumerations, Autoboxing and Metadata.
Single Level and Multilevel, Method Overriding, Dynamic Method Dispatch, Abstract
Classes, Interfaces and Packages, Extending interfaces and packages, Package and Class
Visibility, Using Standard Java Packages (util, lang, io, net), Wrapper Classes,
Autoboxing/Unboxing, Enumerations and Metadata.
Exception Handling, Threading, Networking and Database Connectivity
Exception types, uncaught exceptions, throw, built-in exceptions, Creating your own
exceptions; Multi-threading: The Thread class and Runnable interface, creating single and
multiple threads, Thread prioritization, synchronization and communication,
suspending/resuming threads. Using package, Overview of TCP/IP and Datagram
programming. Accessing and manipulating databases using JDBC.
Java Applets: Introduction to Applets, Writing Java Applets, Working with Graphics,
Incorporating Images & Sounds. Event Handling Mechanisms, Listener Interfaces,
Adapter and Inner Classes. The design and Implementation of GUIs using the AWT
controls, Swing components of Java Foundation Classes such as labels, buttons, textfields,
layout managers, menus, events and listeners; Graphic objects for for drawing figures such as
lines, rectangles, ovals, using different fonts. Overview of servlets.