1. Data vs Information.2. Meta data,Data dictionary , component of data dictionary , active and passive data dictionaries
3. System catalog
4. Field,record,file
5. Components of database
6. DBMS-operations
7. DA, DBA , functions and responsibilities of DBA.
8. Advantage and disadvantage of file oriented system
9. Advantage and disadvantage of DBMS
10. Redundancy, Consistency, Entity integrity , referential integrity,
1. Schemas, subschemas, instances
2. two tier architecture, three tier architecture(advantage and disadvantage)
3. ANSI/SPARC architecture
4. Data Independence -i ) logical ii) physical
5. Mapping -i) internal ii) external
6. Centralized DBMS, Parallel DBMS, Distributed DBMS, Client-server DBMS, Data Warehouse ( example ,advantage, disadvantage ).
4. Data Independence -i ) logical ii) physical
5. Mapping -i) internal ii) external
6. Centralized DBMS, Parallel DBMS, Distributed DBMS, Client-server DBMS, Data Warehouse ( example ,advantage, disadvantage ).
1. Data model - def
2. Hierarchical model- example ,advantage, disadvantage
3. Network model- example ,advantage, disadvantage
4. Relational model- example ,advantage, disadvantage
5. Object oriented data model - example ,advantage, disadvantage
1. RAID level
2. Master file,Transaction file
3. Buffer Management.
4. Fixed length record, variable length record- def,example,advantage,disadvantage
5. Heap file organisation - use , advantage , disadvantage
6. Sequential file organisation - use , advantage , disadvantage
7. Indexed sequential file organisation - use , advantage , disadvantage
8. Hash file organisation - use , advantage , disadvantage
9. Dynamic hashing
7. Indexed sequential file organisation - use , advantage , disadvantage
8. Hash file organisation - use , advantage , disadvantage
9. Dynamic hashing
1. Ordered and un-ordered indexing
2. Sparse indexing dense indexing
3. Primary indexing, secondary indexing, cluster indexing
4. Tree based indexing
5. B-tree indexing
6. B+ tree indexing
7. inverted indexing
8. indexing vs hashing
4. Tree based indexing
5. B-tree indexing
6. B+ tree indexing
7. inverted indexing
8. indexing vs hashing
1. domain,tuple
2. key - primary key, super key, candidate key, foreign key ( def , example )
3. Composite key, prime attribute
3. Composite key, prime attribute
4. Relational Algebra : selection , projection , Cartesian product, union, intersection, set difference, join, natural join, outer join, left outer join, right outer join , division ( def, example)
5. Relational Calculus : tuple calculus, domain calculus, comparison with relational algebra
1. advantage, disadvantage
2. relationally complete
3. create table , update table , delete table
4. modify structure of table, modify values of table
5. difference between varchar and varchar2.
6. date, to_char(),to_date()
7. in.not in
8. Group by, having
9. order by( asc or desc)
10. string functions, like, wildcard characters
11. set functions
12, aggregate functions ( sum,avg,count,....)
13. NULL values
14. Unique constraints
15. join - natural join, theta join, equi join, outer join., left outer join, right outer join.
16. Create view
9. order by( asc or desc)
10. string functions, like, wildcard characters
11. set functions
12, aggregate functions ( sum,avg,count,....)
13. NULL values
14. Unique constraints
15. join - natural join, theta join, equi join, outer join., left outer join, right outer join.
16. Create view
17. PL/SQL
ER Diagram
1. Entities, Relationship, attributes, cardinality , constraints, Entity set(Entity type) , Entity instance.
2. Relationship - degree - unary or recursive, binary, ternary
N-ary relationship
3. simple attribute, single valued attribute, multivalued attribute , composite attribute , stored attribute, derived attribute, identifier attributes
4. Participation constraints
5. Conversion from ER model to realtion
6. ER diagram symbols
7. Super Class and sub class
8. Attribute inheritence , advantage of inheritence
4. Participation constraints
5. Conversion from ER model to realtion
6. ER diagram symbols
7. Super Class and sub class
8. Attribute inheritence , advantage of inheritence
Functional Dependency
1. Functional dependency diagram and examples
2. Partial dependency, Full dependency
3. Armstrong's Axioms for FD
4. Closure of a set of FD
5. Decomposition - lossy and lossless join
6. Dependency preserving decomposition
1. 1NF,2NF, 3NF, BCNF, 4NF, 5NF
2. Multi valued dependencies
3. Join dependencies
4. Spurious tuples.
2. Multi valued dependencies
3. Join dependencies
4. Spurious tuples.