Tuesday, March 5, 2024

C program practice set:

15.Sum of digits :—CLICK


17. 1!+2!+3!+...n :—CLICK

18.1!-2!+3!-4!+...n :—CLICK

19. a+a²+a³+a⁴+a⁵... :—CLICK

20. a-a²+a³-a⁴... :—CLICK

21. (a/1)+(a²/2)+(a³/3)+(a⁴/4)+... :—

22. (a/1!)+(a²/2!)+(a³/3!)+(a⁴/4!)+... :—CLICK

23.a-(a²/2!)+(a³/3!)-(a⁴/4!)... :—CLICK

24. a+(a³/3!)+(a⁵/5!)+... :—CLICK

25. (a²/2!)+(a⁴/4!)+(a⁶/6!)+... :—CLICK

26. Sum of digits :—CLICK


28. Armstrong number checking :—CLICK

29. Print all factors of a number :—CLICK

30.Count total number of factors :—CLICK

31.Prime number checking :—CLICK

32.Sum of all factors :—CLICK

33. Perfect number checking :—  CLICK

34. Count total numbers of 0 in a number :—CLICK

35. Sum of all odd digits :—CLICK

36. Sum of all odd position and even position digits :—CLICK

37. Decimal to Binary :—CLICK

38. Binary to Decimal :—CLICK

39. Decimal to Octal :—CLICK

40. Octal to Decimal :—CLICK

41. Sum an average of n numbers :—CLICK

42. Program of a^b :—CLICK HERE

43. Input a number and check it is divisible by 3 or not :—CLICK

44. Input a number and check it is divisible by 3 or divisible by 5 or divisible by both or divisible by none :— CLICK

45. Input a salary and increament 10% salary :— CLICK

46. Pattern  





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