Sunday, June 19, 2016

Computer Organization Question set 4

Chapter 4 – Memory
1. Defination – seek time, capacity, Rotational delay
2. Short note – memory hierarchy
3. SRAM – read and write technique
4. DRAM – Read and Write technique
5. SRAM,DRAM – Comparison
6. RAM CHIP, ROM CHIP example.
7. LARGE memory using small chip, range of memory address map
8. Memory -1D,2D,2.5D,3D
10. Magnetic Disc- track, sector, cylinder, inter-sector gap, surface, platter
11.  Short note- optical drive, associative memory
12. Cache memory- cache hit, cache miss, locality of reference, spatial locality, temporal locality, direct mapping, associative mapping, se-associative mapping, write through, write back, two level cache
13. Virtual memory
14. Page, frame
15. Page replacement technique.
16. Desructive and nondestructive memory

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