Sunday, June 19, 2016

Computer Organization Question set 3

Chapter 3 - arithmetic
1.  Data representation –                                                                                 
a) sign magnitude
     b) 1‘s complement
     c) 2’s complement
   Advantages, disadvantages, comparison
      2. r‘s complement, r-1’s complement
      3.Floating point number representation (8 bit,32 bit,64 bit)
      4.Special cases of IEEE 754 format.
      5.1’s complement arithmetic,2’s complement arithmetic
      6.Overflow and underflow detection
      7.Algorithm or flowchart – a) fixed point addition-subtraction
                                                    b) add –shift   multiplication
                                                    c) Booth’s multiplication
                                                   d) restore and non-restore division  
                                                   e) floating point addition, subtraction,                                                                        multiplication, division

     8.Common bus system
     9.Tristate buffer
    10.parallel adder, cla, adder-subtractor, carry save multiplier
    11. Bit sliced ALU
    12. 4bit ALU design

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