Friday, June 28, 2024



1. Insertion,Deletion,Display Algorithm

2. Double Queue In A Single Array

3. Stack using queue

4.Queue using stack


Circular queue

1. Overflow Underflow Condition

2. Insertion, Deletion, Display Algorithm



1. Overflow Underflow Condition

2. Insertion, Deletion, Display Algorithm


Priority Queue

1. Definition,Example

2. Insertion, Deletion, Display Algorithm




1. push/pop/display/peek - algorithm

2. stack Application


4.infix to prefix  - algorithm

5.infix to postfix - algorithm

6.prefix evaluation- algorithm

7.postfix evaluation- algorithm

8.double stack in a single array- algorithm



1. Insert element  at the front.-Algorithm

2. Insert element  at the end.-Algorithm

3. Insert element  at any position.-Algorithm

4. Delete element  from the front.-Algorithm

5. Delete element  from the end.-Algorithm

6. Delete element  from any position-Algorithm

7.Address calculation



2D Array

1. Row major / Column major address calculation



Sparse matrix

Upper triangular/Lower triangular matrix



 ARRAY: click

STACK: click

QUEUE: click

LINK LIST: click




Tuesday, March 5, 2024

C program practice set:

15.Sum of digits :—CLICK


17. 1!+2!+3!+...n :—CLICK

18.1!-2!+3!-4!+...n :—CLICK

19. a+a²+a³+a⁴+a⁵... :—CLICK

20. a-a²+a³-a⁴... :—CLICK

21. (a/1)+(a²/2)+(a³/3)+(a⁴/4)+... :—

22. (a/1!)+(a²/2!)+(a³/3!)+(a⁴/4!)+... :—CLICK

23.a-(a²/2!)+(a³/3!)-(a⁴/4!)... :—CLICK

24. a+(a³/3!)+(a⁵/5!)+... :—CLICK

25. (a²/2!)+(a⁴/4!)+(a⁶/6!)+... :—CLICK

26. Sum of digits :—CLICK


28. Armstrong number checking :—CLICK

29. Print all factors of a number :—CLICK

30.Count total number of factors :—CLICK

31.Prime number checking :—CLICK

32.Sum of all factors :—CLICK

33. Perfect number checking :—  CLICK

34. Count total numbers of 0 in a number :—CLICK

35. Sum of all odd digits :—CLICK

36. Sum of all odd position and even position digits :—CLICK

37. Decimal to Binary :—CLICK

38. Binary to Decimal :—CLICK

39. Decimal to Octal :—CLICK

40. Octal to Decimal :—CLICK

41. Sum an average of n numbers :—CLICK

42. Program of a^b :—CLICK HERE

43. Input a number and check it is divisible by 3 or not :—CLICK

44. Input a number and check it is divisible by 3 or divisible by 5 or divisible by both or divisible by none :— CLICK

45. Input a salary and increament 10% salary :— CLICK

46. Pattern  





 46. Print :






int main()


    int i,j;









    return 0;


45. Input a salary and increament 10% salary :—

 45. Input a salary and increament 10% salary :—


int main()


    int s,i,us;

    printf("enter a salary ");




    printf("Updated salary=%d",us);

    return 0;


44. Input a number and check it is divisible by 3 or divisible by 5 or divisible by both or divisible by none :—

 44. Input a number and check it is divisible by 3 or divisible by 5 or divisible by both or divisible by none :—


int main()


    int a;

    printf("enter a value of n ");






            printf("%d is divisible by both",a);




            printf("%d is divisible by 3 only",a);







            printf("%d is divisible by 5 only",a);




            printf("%d is divisible by none of 5 and 3",a);



    return 0;


43. Input a number and check it is divisible by 3 or not :—

43. Input a number and check it is divisible by 3 or not :—


int main()


    int n;

    printf("enter a value of n ");




        printf("divisible by 3");




        printf("not divisible by 3");


    return 0;


42. Program of a^b :—


42. Program of a^b :—


int main()


    int a,b,f,i;

    printf("enter a value and a power ");








    return 0;
