4. WAP to compute the sum of the first n terms of the following series, S =1-2+3-
4. WAP to compute the sum of the first n terms of the following series, S =1-2+3-
3. WAP to compute the sum of the first n terms of the following series,
1. WAP to print the sum and product of digits of an integer.
Advanced Java Laboratory based on the following:
(i) Write programs in Java using Servlets:
a. To invoke servlets from HTML forms.
b. To invoke servlets from Applet Programs using cookies.
(ii) Programs with session tracking.
(iii) Create dynamic web pages, using Servlets and JSP.
(iv) Programs using JDBC with create, insert table data.
(v) Implementing MVC with Request Dispatcher.
(vi) Writing a web service.
Basics of Servlet
Servlet: What and Why? Servlet API, Servlet interface, Generic Servlet, Http Servlet,
Servlet life cycle, Servlet request methods, Servlet collaboration, Servlet config.
10 hours
Session Management
What is a session? Why is it required? Creating a session? Session information passing
mechanisms between client and server - Cookies, Rewriting; Destroying a session.
04 hours
Basics of JSP
Life cycle of JSP; JSP API;JSP tags, directives, scripting elements, implicit objects,
exception handling, action elements; MVC.
10 hours
Design Pattern
Singleton; DAO; DTO; MVC; Front controller; Factory method; Collection
10 hours
Introduction to Javascript; Ways to use Javascript; Working with events; Client-side
10 hours
Introduction to JQuery; Validation using JQuery; JQuery forms; JQuery examples; Key
services of the application server.
06 hours
Spring Framework
Spring Core (Basic Concepts); Spring AOP; Spring JDBC; Spring MVC; Spring Boot
and Spring Data; Spring ORM.
Computational intelligence lab using Prolog / LISP
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Brief History and Application, Structures and
Strategies for state space search- Data driven and goal driven search, Heuristic search,
Depth First and Breadth First search, Iterative deepening, A* algorithm, Game playing
(Minimax), Rule-based system, Semantic Nets, Frames, Scripts, Conceptual
Dependency, Introduction to PROLOG.
20 hours
Neural Network
Basics of Artificial Neural Network, Characteristics and Comparison with biological
neural network, Basic model of Artificial Neural Network: Single layer Perceptron
model, Learning, Feed Forward Neural Network, Error, Back Propagation and weight
updation, Perceptron, Bayesian Networks, Neural computational model- Hopfield Nets.
20 hours
Rough sets
Basic difference between Rough sets and Fuzzy sets
02 hours
Fuzzy Logic and Application
Fuzzy sets, application – basic operations, Properties, Fuzzy Relations, Fuzzy
inference, Notion of Fuzziness, Operations on Fuzzy sets, Fuzzy Numbers, Brief
overview of crisp sets, Crisp relations, Fuzzy relations, Max*-composition of fuzzy
relation, Max*-transitive closure, Probability measures of fuzzy events, Fuzzy expected
value, Approximate reasoning, Different methods of role aggregation and
Sample practical problems can be included related to theory.
Introduction to multimedia, Components, uses of multimedia.
04 hours
Making Multimedia
Stages of a multimedia project, requirements to make good multimedia, Multimedia
Hardware - Macintosh and Windows production Platforms, Hardware peripherals -
Connections, Memory and storage devices, Multimedia software and Authoring tools.
06 hours
Fonts & Faces, Using Text in Multimedia, Font Editing & Design Tools, Hypermedia
& Hypertext.
04 hours
Still Images – Bitmaps, Vector Drawing, 3D Drawing & rendering, Natural Light &
Colors, Computerized Colors, Color Palettes, Image File Formats.
06 hours
Digital Audio, MIDI Audio, MIDI vs Digital Audio, Audio File Formats.
06 hours
How Video Works, Analog Video, Digital Video, Video File Formats, Video Shooting
and Editing.
06 hours
Principle of Animations. Animation Techniques, Animation File Formats.
08 hours
Multimedia System
An overview of multimedia system and media streams, Source representation and
compression techniques text, speech and audio, still image and video, Graphics and
10 hours
Multi-modal Communication
Video conferencing, networking support, Trans-coding.