Saturday, January 6, 2024

Os Assignment 3rd Semester General

 1. Input two numbers and print the sum.

2. Input a number an  print the factorial of a number.

3. Print fibbonacci series upto n terms.

4. Input a number and check it is even or odd.

5. Input year and check it is leap year or not.

6. Print the sum of the series 1+2+3+4+5+6...+N

7. Input a number and check it is prime or not.

8. Input a number and print the reverse of the number.

9.Input a number and check it is palindrome or not.

10. Input a string from user and the find a pattern from the user.

11. Print all file and folders under current directory.

12. Print total number of lines, characters, words in a file.

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