Thursday, August 29, 2024

Perfect Number by using For_loop

 # Python progam --- Perfect Number by using For_loop

Input_Number = int(input("enter a number"))

Sum = 0

for i in range(1, Input_Number):

    if(Input_Number % i == 0):

        Sum = Sum + i

if (Sum == Input_Number):

    print("Number is a Perfect Number.")


    print("Number is not a Perfect Number.")

Python Program to Print all Prime Numbers in a range

 Python program to display all the prime numbers within a range

lower = int(input("enter a number")

upper = int(input("enter a number")

print("Prime numbers between", lower, "and", upper, "are:")

for num in range(lower, upper + 1):

   # all prime numbers are greater than 1

   if num > 1:

       for i in range(2, num):

           if (num % i) == 0:




Python Program to Check Prime Number

 Python Program to Check Prime Number

num = int(input("Enter a number: "))

flag = False

if num == 0 or num == 1:

    print(num, "is not a prime number")

elif num > 1:

    for i in range(2, num):

        if (num % i) == 0:

            flag = True


    if flag:

        print(num, "is not a prime number")


        print(num, "is a prime number")

Factorial of a Number using Loop


Factorial of a Number using Loop

num = int(input("Enter a number: "))

factorial = 1

if num < 0:

   print("factorial does not exist for negative numbers")

elif num == 0:

   print("The factorial of 0 is 1")


   for i in range(1,num + 1):

       factorial = factorial*i

   print("The factorial of",num,"is",factorial)

FOR loop in PYTHON

 1.     Factorial of a Number using Loop  CLICK

2.   Python Program to Check Prime Number  CLICK

3.  Python Program to Print all Prime Numbers in a range click

4. Perfect Number by using For_loop CLICK

Python Program to Check Leap Year

 Python Program to Check Leap Year;:

year = int(input("Enter a year: "))

if (year % 400 == 0) and (year % 100 == 0):

    print( year, "is a leap year")

elif (year % 4 ==0) and (year % 100 != 0):

     print( year, "is a leap year")


   print( year, "is not  a leap year")

Python Program to Find the Largest Among Three Numbers

 Python Program to Find the Largest Among Three Numbers:

num1 = float(input("Enter first number: "))

num2 = float(input("Enter second number: "))

num3 = float(input("Enter third number: "))

if (num1 >= num2) and (num1 >= num3):

   largest = num1

elif (num2 >= num1) and (num2 >= num3):

   largest = num2


   largest = num3

print("The largest number is", largest)

Python Program to Check if a Number is Odd or Even

Python Program to Check if a Number is Odd or Even;

num = int(input("Enter a number: "))

if (num % 2) == 0:

   print("{0} is Even".format(num))


   print("{0} is Odd".format(num))


1. Program name :A=07H,B=08H,A=A+B.Find the content of A and B.

2. Program name : B=10,C=12,D=B+C.Find the content of D.

3. Program name:B=(200) BASE 10,C=B’(1’s complement of B).Find the content of C.

4. Program name :D=(200)10,C=2’s complement of D.Find the content of C.

5. Program name :D=-1,B=+1,C=B+D.Find the content of C.

6. Program name :D=55H,E=56H,C=D-E.Find the content of C.

7. Program name :D=55H,E=56H,H=D-E using 2’s complement addition.Find the content of H.

8. Program name :B=20H,C=30H,Swap B & C.Find the content of B & C.

9. Program name :Swap the content of 5000H and 3000H.

10. Program name :3000H=data1,4000H=2’s complement of data1.Find the content of 4000H.

11. Program name :3000H=data1,3001H=data2,3002H=data1+data2.Find the content of


12. Program name :3000H=data1,3001H=data2,3002H=data3,3003H=data1+data2+data3.

Find the content of 3003H.

13. Program name :3000H=data1,3001H=data2,3002H=data1+data2,3003H=data1-data2.

Find the content of 3002H and 3003H.

14. Program name :A=20H.Add data byte 30H with immediate Acc with carry 1.

15. Program name :A=20H.Add data byte 30H with immediate Acc with carry 0.

16. Program name : A=20H,B=30H.Add register B to Acc with carry 1.

17. Program name :A=20H,B=30H.Add register B to Acc with carry 0.

18. Program name :A=20H.Add the data byte 30H immediate to Acc .Find the content of Acc

after execution

19. Program name :A=FFH,B=88H,data byte=11H.C=11H AND Acc,D=C AND B.Find the

content of C and D.

20. Program name :A=FFH,B=88H,Data byte=11H.C=11H OR Acc,D=C OR B.Find the content

of C and D.

21. Program name :A=FFH,B=88H,Data byte=11H.C=11H XOR Acc,D=C XOR B.Find the

content of C and D.

22. Program name :1st law of DeMorgan’s Theorem:(A+B)’=A’.B’.C=LHS & D=RHS.When

A=01H & B=00H,then find the content of C and D.

23. Program name :2nd law of DeMorgan’s Theorem:(A.B)’=A’+B’.C=(A.B)’ & D=A’+B’.When

A=01H & B=00H,then find the content of C and D.

24. Program name :Acc=10H,B=20H;A=Acc+B (Using Jmp instruction).

25. Program name :A=0AH.After RAL(Rotate Acc Left) move the result in C.Find the content of


26. Program name :A=0AH & Carry=1.After RAL(Rotate Acc Left) move the result in C.Find the

content of C.

27. Program name :Input a number in C register & then multiply with 4 & save it into D

register.Find the content of D.

28. Program name :16 bit addition.4000H=Data 1(L),4001H=Data 1(H),4002H=Data 2(L),

4003H=Data 2(H).4004H=Sum(L),4005H=Sum(H).Find the contents of 4004H & 4005H.

29. Program name :Sum(16 bit) of two 8 bit datas.4000H=data 1,4001H=data 2,

4002H=Sum(L),4003H=Sum(H).Find the content of 4002H & 4003H.

30. Program name :4000H=data 1.If data 1 is even no.,then D=00H,otherwise D=01H.

31. Program name :4000H=data 1.If data 1 is even no.,then D=00H,otherwise D=01H.Do it

using If-else.

32. Program name :5000H=data 1.If data 1 is +ve,then store 5001H with FFH,otherwise store

with 00H.

33. Program name :1+2+3+.....+10(using loop)

34. Program name :1+2+3+.....+100.Result=8 bit.Store the result in D register.Find the content

of D.

35. Program name :1+2+3+.....+50.Result=8 bit.Store the result in D register.Find the

result(content of D).

36. Program name :1+2+3+...+100=Sum of series=16 bit.D=Sum(H),E=Sum(L).Find the

content of D and E.

37. Program name :2500H=data 1,2501H=data 2,2502H=data 3,25003H=data 4.

3000H=Sum(H),3001H=Sum(L).Find the content of 3000H and 3001H.

38. Program name :3000H=data.If no. is even positive,then store FFH in D register,but if it is

even negative,then store FFH in E register.

39. Program name :3000H=data.If no. is even positive,store 3001H with AAH,if even

negative,then store 3001H with BBH,if odd positive,store 3001H with CCH,if odd negative,then

store 3001H with DDH.

40. Program name :3001H=data 1,3001H=data 2,3002H=data 3,3003H=data 4.3004H=total

number of even number,3005H=total number of odd number.Find the content of 3004H &


41. Program name :3000H=data 1,3001H=data 2,3002H=data 3,3003H=data 4.4000H=even

positive,4001H=even negative,4002H=odd positive,4003H=odd negative.

42. Program name :Memory Implementattion

43. Program name :5000H=11H,5001H=22H,5002H=Sum(8 bit).Find the content of 5003H.

44. Program name :Sum of 10 numbers,result=8 bit,starting memory location is

5000H.5000H=data 1,5001H=data 2,........,5009H=data 10.

45. Program name :Sum of 10 numbers,result=16 bit,starting location=5000H.

6000H=(sum)lower , 6001H=(sum)upper.Find the content of 6000H & 6001H.

46. Program name :Sum of n numbers(n=11),A=result=8 bit,starting location=5000H.Find A.

47. Program name :Sum of n no.,result=16bit.6000H=(sum)upper, 6001H=(sum)lower

48. Program name :HL=5000H,DE=3000H.Exchange HL & DE.

49. Program name :Block transfer(10 data).3000H=data 1,3001H=data 2,...3009H=data

10.result will be 5000H=data 1 of 3000H,.......5009H=data 10 of 3009H.

50. Program name :B=22H,C=22H.Compare B & C register,if B=C,then D=FFH,otherwise


51. Program name :LINEAR SEARCH:Count the total number of 0 from an array of n-bit.

52. Program name :Count the total number of FFH from an array of n-bit.

53. Program name :Count the total number of even number & odd number (using memory).

54. Program name :Input a no. from memory location 3000H & convert it into ASCII & save it in


55. Program name :Input-->3000H=data 1...Output-->4000H=(a)0 for invalid no. , (b)1for valid

no.....4001H=(a)00 for invalid no., (b)ASCII for valid no.

56. Program name :INPUT-->4000H=data 1,4001H=data 2,4002H=data3

.OUTPUT-->5000H=largest number.Find the content of 5000H.

57. Program name :BINARY TO GRAY CODE:--Input a number from 3000H & convert the no.

into gray code & store it in 4000H.

58. Program name :MULTIPLICATION USING REPEATED ADDITION(4 bit*4bit =8bit):------


59. Program name :MULTIPLICATION USING REPEATATIVE ADDITION(8bit *8bit = 16bit):-

10H * 11H.[(16)10*(17)10]

60. Program name :Count the total number of 1 of 8 bit number.

61. Program name :Count the total number of 0 &1 of a 8bit number.

62. Program name :Palindrome checking:-Input-->3000H=data.Output-->4000H=00H if not

palindrome,otherwise store FFH.

63. Program name :Seperate 2 nibbles:--3000H=10100111(A7H).4000H=upper

nibble=00001010 , 4001H=lower nibble=00000111.

64. Program name :3000H=data.4000H=FFH if two nibbles are equal,otherwise store 00H.

65. Program name :3000H=data.,right shift 4 times,then store the output in 4000H.Find the

content of 4000H.

66. Program name :BCD to binary:-data=00100110=26H(BCD)=38(binary).Convert the binary

number into 26H.


Input-->3000H=multiplicant,3001H=multiplier.Output-->3002H=upper part of product

,3003H=lower part of the product.


E=03H(divider)..Output-->B=Quotient , D=Remainder.Find out the contents of B & D.

69. Program name : Replace all 0’s with FF in the array.

70. Program name :Count the total no. of element which is greater than 55H.

71. Program name :Add content of two memory location.

72. Program name :Sub two 16-bit no.,result 16 bit.

73. Program name :8-bit data shift left,1 bit.

74. Program name :8-bit data shift right,1 bit.

75. Program name :Largest number of n-numbers.

76. Program name :Smallest number of n- numbers.

77. Program name :Gray to binary conversion.

78. Program name :Ascending order sorting(using bubble sort)

79. Program name :Descending order sorting(using bubble sort).

80. Program name :Place the content of the memory location FC50 in register B & that of

FC51 in register C.The content of FC50 & FC51 are 11H &12H respectively.

81. Program name :Place 05 in the Acc,increment it by one & store the result in the memory

location FC50H.

82. Program name :Add two 8-bit decimal number,result 16 bit.

83. Program name :8-bit decimal subtraction.

84. Program name :1’s complement of a 16-bit number.

85. Program name :2’s complement of a 16-bit number.

86. Program name :8-bit data shift left,2bit.

87. Program name :16-bit data shift left,1-bit.

88. Program name :16-bit data shift left,2-bit.

89. Program name :Find the square from look-up table.

90. Program name :Find the larger of 2 number.

91. Program name :Smallest of 2 numbers.

92. Program name :Sum of a series of 8-bit decimal number,result 16-bit.

93. Program name :Multibyte addition.

94. Program name :Multibyte decimal addition.

95. Program name :Sum of a series of multibyte decimal number.

96. Program name :Seperate the odd and even numbers from an array of 5 numbers.

97. Program name :Move a block of 10 data stored from F101H to FI0AH to a target location

from F020H to F029H in the reverse order in which they are actually stored.

98. Program name :Memory bloack transfer in overlapping order.

99. Program name :Add an array of 3 16-bit hex. No. and subtract 48H.

100. Program name :Fibonacci series.

101. Program name :Fibonacci series upto n-no. Which are greater than 0AH and smaller

than 1EH.Output stored from F100 → 0D,15.

102. Program name :Factorial of a number.


 1. 8085 THEORY


3. 8085 question set (Gaonkar)  CLICK

4. 8085 op code CLICK

5. 8085 assignment CLICK