8.Print twin prime numbers within a range.
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
Unix Shell Programming Example for B.Sc, B.Tech, BCA, MCA
Unix Shell Programming Example for B.Sc, B.Tech, BCA, MCA
7. Prime number checking.
Unix Shell Programming Example for B.Sc, B.Tech, BCA, MCA
6. Print fibonacci series.
Unix Shell Programming Example for B.Sc, B.Tech, BCA, MCA
5. Find out the factorial of a number.
Unix Shell Programming Example for B.Sc, B.Tech, BCA, MCA
4.Check a number whether it is odd positive,odd negative,even positive,even negative.
Unix Shell Programming Example for B.Sc, B.Tech, BCA, MCA
3. Leap year checking.
Unix Shell Programming Example for B.Sc, B.Tech, BCA, MCA
2. Use of for loop.
Unix Shell Programming Example for B.Sc, B.Tech, BCA, MCA
1. Use of while loop.
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Cloud computing QUESTION SET 1
1. Defining Cloud Computing.
2. Cloud Computing Is a Service.
3. 5-4-3 Principles of Cloud computing.
4. Give a brief note on the merits and demerits of cloud computing.
5. Cloud Architecture.
6. What is public cloud access networking?
7. Compare and contrast public and private clouds.
8. What is SLA? Are SLAs different for each type of cloud deployment?
9. What are the characteristics of hybrid cloud?
10. What are the advantages of using the community cloud?
11. Define Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
12. Define Platform as a Service (PaaS).
13. Define Software as a Service (SaaS).
14. Write short notes on end user and service provider responsibilities of cloud service models with a suitable diagram.
15. Explain in detail about the overview of IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS with suitable diagrams.
16. Write short notes on pros and cons of IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS.
Tuesday, June 7, 2022
BIG DATA sample question
What is Big Data? Advantages and disadvantages of Hadoop
How is HADOOP related to Big Data?
Describe the main features of a big data in detail.
Hadoop – Architecture
Explain any one of the Hadoop components.
What is the difference between Hadoop and Traditional RDBMS?
What is NoSQL?
Explain four types of NoSQL in brief.