Gaonkar Chapter 7
1. Continuous loop, Conditional loop
2. Counter and indexing
3. 16 bit operaion of MP
4. Block transfer
Gaonkar Chapter 7
1. Continuous loop, Conditional loop
2. Counter and indexing
3. 16 bit operaion of MP
4. Block transfer
Gaonkar Chapter 6
1. NOP operation uses
2. Addressing mode of instruction
3. Conditional jump, Unconditional jump
4. Static debugging, Dynamic debugging
Gaonkar Chapter 5
1. IN and OUT instruction timing diagaram
2. Chip selection
Gaonkar Chapter 4
1. Multiplexed Address Bus
2. Use of ALE
3. Control and status signal
4. How clock is generated in MP?
5. Demultiplexing the AD bus diagram
6. Timing diagram of differen machine cycle
7. IR regesiter function
8. Register arrays
9. Memory interfacing
10. Absolute decoding, Partial decoding
Gaonkar Chapter 3
1. Instruction cycle
2. Fetch,decode,execute cycle
3. Machine cycle
4. T-states
5. Data bus, Address Bus, Control Bus
6. Unidirectional bus, Bidirectional bus
7. Memory map and address
8. Memory mapped i/o,i/o mapped i/o or isolated i/o ( comparison)
9. Buffer, tristate buffer, bidirectional buffer
10. Priority encoder
Gaonkar Chapter 2
1. Different registers
2. Flag registers
3. PC and SP
4. Word size of microprocessor
5. Opcode format
6. One byte ,two byte, three byte instruction
7. How does microprocessor differentiate data and instruction code?
8085 Microprocessor sample question set
Gaonkar Chapter 1
1. How does the microprocessor works?
2. Instruction set.
3. Microcontroller defination,difference with microprocessor.
4. Monitor program
18. WAP to display Fibonacci series
(i)using recursion,
(ii) using iteration
19. WAP to calculate Factorial of a number (i)using recursion, (ii) using iteration
20. WAP to calculate GCD of two numbers (i) with recursion (ii) without recursion.