Thursday, November 12, 2020

C++ question set (Balagurusamy)


1. file stream classes - ifstream, ofstream, fstream.

2. opening and closing a file.

3. EOF.

4. reading character from a file and writing character to a file.

5. reading string  from a file and writing string to a file.

6 .reading integer from a file and writing integer to a file.

7. update file,delete file,rename file.

8. command line argument.

C++ question set (Balagurusamy)


1.C++ stream classes.

2. overloading << and >>.

3. put(),get(),getline(),write(),width(),fill().

C++ question set (Balagurusamy)


1. Early binding and late binding.

2. compile time polymorphism and run time polymorphism.

3. pointer to an object.

4. this pointer.

5. virtual function and pure virtual function.

6. Virtual constructor and virtual destructor.

C++ question set (Balagurusamy)


1. inheritance definition and properties.

2. base class and derived class.

3. single inheritance, multilevel inheritance, multiple inheritance, hierarchical inheritance, hybrid inheritance.

4. private member inheritable.

5. Virtual base class, Abstract class.

6. Constructor in derived class.

C++ question set (Balagurusamy)


1. operator overloading 

2. operator overloading using friend function.

3. overloading unary ++, unary --, unary -,+,-,*,/ , shorthand operator.

4. manipulation of string.

5. overloading [],->, <<,>>

6. Type conversion of class.

C++ question set (Balagurusamy)


1. Constructor,default constructor,parameterized constructor.

2. Charecteristics of constructor.

3. Constructor overloading.

4. Copy constructor.

5. Destructor.

C++ question set (Balagurusamy) set 3


1. Access specifier.

2. Defining member function - i) inside class and ii) outside class.

3. static data members,static functions.

4. array of objects.

5. object as function argument.

6. Friend function.

7. Local class.

8. Dereferencing operators.

9. Returning objects.

10. Const member function.

C++ question set (Balagurusamy) set 2


1. Call by value, call by address, call by reference.

2. Inline function.

3. Default argument.

C++ question set (Balagurusamy) set -1


1. Dynamic Initialization of variables.

2. Reference variables.

3. Scope reslolution operator.

4. New and Delete operator.

java theory question set 12 ( Balagurusamy )

 1. what is thread

2. what is multithreading

3. different type of thread creation 

4. start() and run()

5. stopping and blocking a thread

6. life cycle of a thread

7. thread priority

8. thread exceptions

9. thread synchronization.