Saturday, December 9, 2023

c language question set 3

c language question set 3

What are enumerations?

What do the functions atoi(), itoa()?


types of type conversions in C

Describe the different types of constants in C with example? 

what are C tokens?

What are C identifiers?

Difference between syntax vs logical error? 

Explain formatted input and output statement with examples.

return value of printf() and scanf().

What is dangling else problem? Explain how to handle tis in C programming

variable declaration vs variable definition

What is the difference between „a‟ and “a” in C?


Explain the hierarchy (priority) and associativity(clubbing)of operators in „C‟ with example?

explain sizeof operator


entry controlled loop vs exit controlled

difference between break and continue

use of goto


1.Difference between strdup and strcpy?

2.What is the difference between Strings anD character Arrays?

3. getchar(),getch(),getche(),getc,gets()



isalnum(c) Is c an alphanumeric character? 

isalpha(c) Is c an alphabetic character

 isdigit(c) Is c a digit? 

islower(c) Is c alower case letter?

 isprint(c) Is c a character?

 ispunct(c) Is c a punctuation mark?

 isspace(c) Is c a white space character?

 isupper(c) Is c an upper case letter?

 tolower(c) Convert ch to lower case

 toupper(c) Convert ch to upper case


What is an array? How to declare and initialize arrays? Explain with examples

How can we declare and initialize 2D arrays? Explain with examples



What is a far pointer? Where we use it?

why is the void pointer useful? When would you use it?

What is a NULL Pointer? Whether it is same as an uninitialized pointer?

What is static memory allocation?

What is dynamic memory allocation?

. What is pointer to a pointer?

What is an array of pointers?

Difference between an array of pointers and a pointer to an array?

Discuss on pointer arithmetic?

What is the invalid pointer arithmetic?

Are the expressions *ptr ++ and ++ *ptr same?

Explain in detail how to access a one dimensional array using pointers with an example program?

Explain in detail how to access a two dimensional array using pointers with an example program?

Write in detail about pointers to functions? Explain with example program.


1. What are the differences between structures and union?

2.What are the differences between structures and arrays?

3.What is the use of typedef?

4.What the advantages of using Unions?

5. Explain array of structure and structure within a structure with an example


How would you use the functions fseek(), freed(), fwrite() and ftell()?




1.What are the differences between malloc () and calloc ()?

What is the purpose of realloc(),free()?


1. What are macros? What are its advantages and disadvantages?

What is a preprocessor, what are the advantages of preprocessor?

What are the two forms of #include directive?

List and explain compiler control directives

difference  between object macro and funtion macro


Difference between pass by reference and pass by value?

What is recursion?

Difference between formal argument and actual argument? 

Distinguish between Library functions and User defined functions in C and Explain with examples.

Function Declaration vs Function Definition

Explain the Parameter Passing Mechanisms in C-Language with examples.

How can we pass the Whole Array to Functions? Explain with example 

Explain function call, function definition and function prototype with examples

command line argument 

What do the ‘c’ and ‘v’ in argc and argv stand for?

storage class

What does static variable mean?

What are different types of storage classes in ‗C‘