1. Find the current time and date.
[cs@localhost~]$ date
Thu Aug 23 09:54:15 EDT 2018
[cs@localhost ~]$
2. Create a blank file.
[cs@localhost ~]$ touch dip.txt
[cs@localhost ~]$
3. Create a file and write some sentences in the file.
[cs@localhost~]$ cat>find1.txt
today is thursday
i am a student
bhairabganguly college
[cs@localhost ~]$
4 . Display the content of the file find1.txt.
[cs@localhost~]$ cat find1.txt
today is thursday
i am a student
bhairabganguly college
[cs@localhost ~]$
5. Append some line in atext file.
[cs@localhost~]$ cat>>find1.txt
Tomorrow isfriday
[cs@localhost ~]$
6. Create a directory.
[cs@localhost~]$mkdir dip
[cs@localhost ~]$
7. Display all files and directories under current date.
13.sh assignment100.sh~ Downloads rina
13.sh~ assignment1.sh exam source
1.sh assignment1.sh~ f1 source.txt
1.sh~ assignment1.txt f3.txt source.txt~
2.sh assignment1.txt~ file.sh student.txt
2.sh~ assignment2.sh file.sh~ sudip\ 246
3.sh assignment2.sh~ find1.txt sudip\ 2461
3.sh~ assignment2.txt Music suvo\ saha
4.sh assignment2.txt~ Pictures tanima.txt~
4.sh~ assignment3.sh~ Public Templates
5934.sh Desktop purbasha.sh unix.txt
5.sh destination.txt purbasha.sh~ unix.txt~
5.sh~ dip purbasha.sp Untitled\ Document
a dip.txt question6.sh Untitled\ Document~
aritra dip.txt~ question6.txt Untitled\ Document\ 2
assignment100.sh Documents question6.txt~ Videos
[cs@localhost ~]$
8. Display all files and directories under current date.
[cs@localhost~]$ ls
13.sh assignment100.sh~ Downloadsrina
13.sh~ assignment1.sh exam source
1.sh assignment1.sh~ f1 source.txt
1.sh~ assignment1.txt f3.txt source.txt~
2.sh assignment1.txt~ file.sh student.txt
2.sh~ assignment2.sh file.sh~ sudip 246
3.sh assignment2.sh~ find1.txt sudip 2461
3.sh~ assignment2.txt Music suvosaha
4.sh assignment2.txt~ Pictures tanima.txt~
4.sh~ assignment3.sh~ Public Templates
5934.sh Desktop purbasha.sh unix.txt
5.sh destination.txt purbasha.sh~ unix.txt~
5.sh~ dip purbasha.sp Untitled Document
a dip.txt question6.sh Untitled Document~
aritra dip.txt~ question6.txt Untitled Document 2
assignment100.sh Documents question6.txt~ Videos
[cs@localhost ~]$
9. Details of all processes which are currently executing.
1317 pts/0 00:00:00 bash
16042 pts/0 00:00:00 ps
Date: 28.08.2018
10. Count the total number of lines, words, characters of a file f3.
[cs@localhost~]$ cat>f3.txt
i am a student.
today is tuesday.
bhairabganguly college.
[cs@localhost~]$wc f3.txt
3 10 59 f3.txt
[cs@localhost ~]$
11. Count the total number of lines, words, characters of file f3.txt and f4.txt.
[cs@localhost~]$ cat>f3.txt
i am a student.
today is tuesday.
bhairabganguly college.
[cs@localhost~]$ cat>f4.txt
i am a student.
bhairabganguly college.
[cs@localhost~]$wc f3.txt f4.txt
3 10 59 f3.txt
2 7 41 f4.txt
5 17 100 total
[cs@localhost ~]$
12. Count the total number of characters of a file f3.
[cs@localhost~]$wc -c f3.txt
59 f3.txt
[cs@localhost ~]$
13. Count the total number of characters of file f3.txt f4.txt.
[cs@localhost~]$ cat>f3.txt
i am a student.
today is tuesday.
bhairabganguly college.
[cs@localhost~]$ cat>f4.txt
i am a student.
bhairabganguly college.
[cs@localhost~]$wc -c f3.txt f4.txt
59 f3.txt
41 f4.txt
100 total
[cs@localhost ~]$
14. Count the total number of words of a file f3.txt.
[cs@localhost~]$ cat>f3.txt
i am a student.
today is tuesday.
bhairabganguly college.
[cs@localhost~]$wc -w f3.txt
10 f3.txt
[cs@localhost ~]$
15. Count the total no of words of file f3.txt f4.txt.
[cs@localhost~]$ cat>f3.txt
i am a student.
today is tuesday.
bhairabganguly college.
[cs@localhost~]$ cat>f4.txt
i am a student.
bhairabganguly college.
[cs@localhost~]$wc -w f3.txt f4.txt
10 f3.txt
7 f4.txt
17 total
[cs@localhost ~]$
16. Count the total number of lines of a file f3.txt.
[cs@localhost~]$ cat>f3.txt
i am a student.
today is tuesday.
bhairabganguly college.
[cs@localhost~]$wc -l f3.txt
3 f3.txt
[cs@localhost ~]$
17. Count the total number of lines of file f3.txt and f4.txt.
[cs@localhost~]$ cat>f3.txt
i am a student.
today is tuesday.
bhairabganguly college.
[cs@localhost~]$ cat>f4.txt
i am a student.
bhairabganguly college.
[cs@localhost~]$wc -l f3.txt f4.txt
3 f3.txt
2 f4.txt
5 total
[cs@localhost ~]$
18.Create folder and file mentioned in the tree.
[cs@localhost~]$ cat>f1.txt
i am a student.
today is tuesday.
bhairabganguly college.
[cs@localhost~]$ cat>f2.txt
iam a student.
today is tuesday.
[cs@localhost~]$wc f2.txt
3 9 57 f2.txt
[cs@localhost~]$ cat>f3.txt
i am a student.
today is tuesday.
bhairabganguly college.
[cs@localhost~]$wc f3.txt
3 10 59 f3.txt
[cs@localhost~]$ cat>f4.txt
i am a student.
bhairabganguly college.
[cs@localhost~]$wc f3.txt f4.txt
3 10 59 f3.txt
2 7 41 f4.txt
5 17 100 total
[cs@localhost~]$wc -c f3.txt
59 f3.txt
[cs@localhost~]$wc -c f3.txt f4.txt
59 f3.txt
41 f4.txt
100 total
[cs@localhost~]$wc -w f3.txt
10 f3.txt
[cs@localhost~]$wc -w f3.txt f4.txt
10 f3.txt
7 f4.txt
17 total
[cs@localhost~]$wc -l f3.txt
3 f3.txt
[cs@localhost~]$wc -l f3.txt f4.txt
3 f3.txt
2 f4.txt
5 total
[cs@localhost~]$mkdir Day
[cs@localhost~]$ cd Day
[cs@localhostDay]$ cd sunday
[cs@localhostsunday]$mkdir 1
[cs@localhostsunday]$mkdir 2
[cs@localhostsunday]$ cd ..
[cs@localhostDay]$ cd monday
[cs@localhostmonday]$mkdir 1
[cs@localhostmonday]$mkdir 2
[cs@localhostmonday]$mkdir 3
[cs@localhostmonday]$ cd ..
[cs@localhostDay]$ cd friday
[cs@localhostfriday]$mkdir 1
[cs@localhostfriday]$mkdir 2
[cs@localhostfriday]$mkdir 3
[cs@localhostfriday]$mkdir 4
[cs@localhostfriday]$ cd ..
[cs@localhostDay]$ cd sunday
[cs@localhostsunday]$ cd 1
[cs@localhost 1]$ touch f1.txt
[cs@localhost 1]$ touch f2.txt
[cs@localhost1]$ cd ..
[cs@localhostsunday]$ cd 2
[cs@localhost 2]$ touch f1.txt
[cs@localhost 2]$ touch f2.txt
[cs@localhost2]$ cd ..
[cs@localhostsunday]$ cd ..
[cs@localhostDay]$ cd monday
[cs@localhostmonday]$ cd 1
[cs@localhost 1]$ touch f1.txt
[cs@localhost 1]$ touch f2.txt
[cs@localhost1]$ cd ..
[cs@localhostmonday]$ cd 2
[cs@localhost 2]$ touch f1.txt
[cs@localhost 2]$ touch f2.txt
[cs@localhost2]$ cd ..
[cs@localhostmonday]$ cd 3
[cs@localhost 3]$ touch f1.txt
[cs@localhost 3]$ touch f2.txt
[cs@localhost3]$ cd ..
[cs@localhostmonday]$ cd ..
[cs@localhostDay]$ cd friday
[cs@localhostfriday]$ cd 1
[cs@localhost 1]$ touch f1.txt
[cs@localhost 1]$ touch f2.txt
[cs@localhost1]$ cd ..
[cs@localhostfriday]$ cd 2
[cs@localhost 2]$ touch f1.txt
[cs@localhost 2]$ touch f2.txt
[cs@localhost2]$ cd ..
[cs@localhostfriday]$ cd 3
[cs@localhost 3]$ touch f1.txt
[cs@localhost 3]$ touch f2.txt
[cs@localhost3]$ cd ..
[cs@localhostfriday]$ cd 4
[cs@localhost 4]$ touch f1.txt
[cs@localhost 4]$ touch f2.txt
[cs@localhost4]$ cd ..
[cs@localhostfriday]$ cd ..
[cs@localhostDay]$ cd ..
[cs@localhost ~]$
19. Delete a file.
[cs@localhost1]$ ls
f1.txt f2.txt
[cs@localhost1]$ rm f1.txt
[cs@localhost1]$ ls
[cs@localhost 1]$
20. Copy a file.
[cs@localhost1]$ ls
[cs@localhost1]$ cp f2.txt f3.txt
[cs@localhost1]$ ls
f2.txt f3.txt
[cs@localhost 1]$
21. Move a file.
[cs@localhost1]$ ls
f2.txt f3.txt
[cs@localhost1]$ mv f3.txt f4.txt
[cs@localhost1]$ ls
f2.txt f4.txt
[cs@localhost 1]$
Date: 29.08.2018
22. Show the lines in which the word "student" is present.
[bgc@localhost ~]$ cat>file2.txt
I am a student
You are not a student
Today is wednesday
Student life is the best life
[bgc@localhost ~]$ grep "student" file2.txt
I am a student
You are not a student
[bgc@localhost ~]$
23. Show the lines and line no. in which the word "student" is present.
[bgc@localhost ~]$ cat>file2.txt
I am a student
You are not a student
Today is wednesday
Student life is the best life
[bgc@localhost ~]$ grep -n "student" file2.txt
1:I am a student
2:You are not a student
[bgc@localhost ~]$
24. Show the lines in which the word "student" is present ignoring case-sensitive.
[bgc@localhost ~]$ cat>file2.txt
I am a student
You are not a student
Today is wednesday
Student life is the best life
[bgc@localhost ~]$ grep -i "student" file2.txt
I am a student
You are not a student
Student life is the best life
[bgc@localhost ~]$
25. Show the lines and line no. in which the word "student" is present ignoring case-sensitive.
[bgc@localhost ~]$ cat>file2.txt
I am a student
You are not a student
Today is wednesday
Student life is the best life
[bgc@localhost ~]$ grep -ni "student" file2.txt
1:I am a student
2:You are not a student
4:Student life is the best life
[bgc@localhost ~]$
26. Show the total no. of lines in which the word "student" is present.
[bgc@localhost ~]$ cat>file2.txt
I am a student
You are not a student
Today is wednesday
Student life is the best life
[bgc@localhost ~]$ grep -c "student" file2.txt
[bgc@localhost ~]$
27. Show the total no. of lines in which the word "student" is present ignoring case-sensitive.
[bgc@localhost ~]$ cat>file2.txt
I am a student
You are not a student
Today is wednesday
Student life is the best life
[bgc@localhost ~]$ grep -nci "student" file2.txt
[bgc@localhost ~]$
28. Show the lines in which the word "student" is not present.
[bgc@localhost ~]$ cat>file2.txt
I am a student
You are not a student
Today is wednesday
Student life is the best life
[bgc@localhost ~]$ grep -v "student" file2.txt
Today is wednesday
Student life is the best life
[bgc@localhost ~]$
29. Show the lines in which the word "student" is not present ignoring case-sensitive.
[bgc@localhost ~]$ cat>file2.txt
I am a student
You are not a student
Today is wednesday
Student life is the best life
[bgc@localhost ~]$ -vi "student" file2.txt
bash: -vi: command not found...
[bgc@localhost ~]$
30. Show the lines and line no. in which the word "student" is not present ignoring case-sensitive.
[bgc@localhost ~]$ cat>file2.txt
I am a student
You are not a student
Today is wednesday
Student life is the best life
[bgc@localhost ~]$ grep -nvi "student" file2.txt
3:Today is wednesday
[bgc@localhost ~]$